Political sign definition

Political sign means a sign advertising a candidate or candidates for public elective office, or a political party, or a sign urging a particular vote on a public issue decided by ballot.
Political sign means any sign or document that advocates:
Political sign means any sign which serves to influence, is intended to influence, or appears to be of the type which is commonly erected to influence an election or ballot proposition.

Examples of Political sign in a sentence

  • Political signs are only subject to the regulations in this Section and do not require a permit from the City, except as provided in Subsection C.2.f. below and except as provided in other City codes pertaining to structural and fire safety.B. Political sign.

  • The following definitions within Section 17.19.1 of the Cheboygan County Zoning Ordinance No. 200 are hereby repealed: Neighborhood identification sign, Noncommercial sign, Off-premise sign, Political sign, and Real Estate Sign.

  • Political sign enforcement by Caltrans: Significant cover-up and wagon-circling occurred.

  • Definitions(32) Political sign: Any sign used in behalf of [candidates] a candidate for public office or [measures on an election ballot] a ballot proposition as defined under Section 20A-1- 102 Utah Code, [solely] for the purpose of [a local, regional, or national ] promoting or opposing the candidate or ballot proposition in an election as defined under Section 20A-1-102 Utah Code .18.86.100.

  • Political sign at the junction of Edwards Road and Vail Road, on the Kentwood Green Acres property which is against the rules and should be removed.

More Definitions of Political sign

Political sign means a temporary sign erected on private property, which includes signs which solicit votes or support for, or in opposition to, any candidate or any political party under whose designation any candidate is seeking nomination or election. Political signs may also contain messages concerning any public question on the ballot in an election held under the laws of the state. Political signs do not include signs which have been issued a legal billboard permit by a city, county, or the state of North Dakota.
Political sign means any sign or document that advocates: 721 (a) the election or defeat of a candidate for public office; or
Political sign means a sign regarding a candidate for political office or regarding a political issue to be considered in an election.
Political sign means a temporary sign advertising a candidate or candidates for public elective office, or a political party, or signs urging a particular vote on a public issue decided by ballot in connection with a local, state, or national election or referendum.
Political sign means a sign that attempts to influence the outcome of an election, including supporting or opposing the recall of a public officer or supporting or opposing the circulation of a petition for a ballot measure, question or proposition or the recall of a public officer.
Political sign means any sign intended to express political beliefs, or to promote an individual or an issue on an election ballot.
Political sign means any temporary sign that advertises a candidate for public elective office or any political party or a sign that promotes a position on a public or ballot issue.