Poll Watchers definition

Poll Watchers means individuals, other than a candidate, who have been designated by a candidate to observe the conduct of the Election for regularity. Poll Watchers, when permitted, shall sit in a place designated by the Chairman and not communicate in any way with persons casting or waiting to cast their ballots.
Poll Watchers means individuals, other than a candidate, who have been designated by a candidate to observe the conduct of the Election for regularity. POLICY/PROCEDURE

Examples of Poll Watchers in a sentence

  • We’ll have comprehensive training to make sure Poll Watchers are fully prepared and comfortable.”47As such, the process for volunteering as a PCO varies widely, and training is often left to political parties who may lack the expertise, accountability, and non-partisan interests of professional elections officials.

  • Do not be intimidated by Poll Watchers, observers and campaign workers.

  • The questions at issue concern the application of this Court’s jurisprudence on core questions concerning the manner in which constitutional amendments will be proposed going forward.

  • Affidavit of Gregory Stenstrom (date); ‘The Steal is On’ in Pennsylvania: Poll Watchers Denied Access, Illegal Campaigning at Polling Locations, Breitbart (Nov.

  • Violations will be referred to federal and 78 Poll Watchers Will Keep Their Eyes On Florida, Jeff Kunerth, ORLANDO SENTINEL, October 30, 200479 DNC’s “IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE” Distributed To Republican Poll Observers In Florida (Exhibit H) 80 See November 2, 2004, Order on Motion for Temporary Injunction, J.

  • Poll Watchers may not converse with any voter or communicate with or signal to any voter in any manner regarding the election.

  • Better Future Foundation (BFF) participated in the observation of the elections process of officers of Press Union of Liberia (PUL) in November 2019, as an independent observer, and attested that “the voting process was peaceful, free, fair & transparent, with no recorded protest!” Poll Watchers representing the candidates were all allowed to participate in the full counting of ballots, and thereafter signed on the final tally sheet, thus validating the elections result.

  • Any candidate or political party may have up to three Poll Watchers for each ED.

  • Every political party, independent body and candidate may have Poll Watchers present during these times.A Poll Watcher shall not in any way interfere with the voting process or handle any ballots or supplies.

  • Poll Watchers Poll Watchers appointed by candidates shall be permitted to observe the voting and counting, but shall not interfere in any way with the voting or counting.

Related to Poll Watchers

  • Houseboat means watercraft primarily used as habitation and not used primarily as a means of transportation.

  • Freeboard means a factor of safety usually expressed in feet above a flood level for purposes of floodplain management. "Freeboard" tends to compensate for the many unknown factors that could contribute to flood heights greater than the height calculated for a selected size flood and floodway conditions, such as wave action, blockage of bridge or culvert openings, and the hydrological effect of urbanization of the watershed.

  • Watcher means a voting poll watcher, a counting poll watcher, an inspecting

  • Universal waste means any of the following hazardous wastes that are managed under the universal waste requirements of Section 273 of this regulation:

  • Pollbook means a record of the names of voters in the order that they appear to

  • aerodrome control service means air traffic control service for aerodrome traffic;

  • Digital Wallet means an electronic payment service that allows you to store a digital version of your Card on a computer or device and make payments using that Digital Card. Digital Wallets may be operated by third party Digital Wallet providers and are available on supported devices.

  • School service means a website, mobile application, or online service that (i) is designed and marketed solely for use in elementary or secondary schools; (ii) is used at the direction of teachers or other employees at elementary or secondary schools; and (iii) collects and maintains, uses, or shares student personal information. "School service" does not include a website, mobile application, or online service that is designed and marketed for use by individuals or entities generally, even if it is also marketed for use in elementary or secondary schools.

  • Biomedical Waste means biomedical waste as defined in the Ontario Ministry of the Environment Guideline C-4 entitled “The Management of Biomedical Waste in Ontario” dated April 1994, as amended from time to time;

  • Spike the price quote that meets the following conditions: 1. there is a considerable price gap; 2. a short-term price returns to the initial level creating a price gap;

  • Smokeless tobacco means any powder that consists of cut, ground, powdered, or leaf tobacco that contains nicotine and that is intended to be placed in the oral cavity;

  • Stormwater management measure means any practice, technology, process, program, or other method intended to control or reduce stormwater runoff and associated pollutants, or to induce or control the infiltration or groundwater recharge of stormwater or to eliminate illicit or illegal non-stormwater discharges into stormwater conveyances.

  • Waste Management Plan means a waste management plan required by the municipality in terms of this by-law and NEM:WA;

  • apron means a defined area intended to accommodate aircraft for purposes of loading or unloading passengers, mail or cargo, fuelling, parking or maintenance;

  • Medical Waste means isolation wastes, infectious agents, human blood and blood products, pathological wastes, sharps, body parts, contaminated bedding, surgical wastes, potentially contaminated laboratory wastes, and dialysis wastes.

  • Spirits means any beverage which contains alcohol obtained by distillation mixed with drinkable water and other substances in solution, including, but not limited to, brandy, rum, whisky, and gin.

  • Skateboard means a board with small wheels that is usually ridden by a person. For purposes of these rules, a nonmotorized scooter (a board with a handle) is considered a skateboard.

  • Sailboat means the same as that term is defined in Section 73-18-2.

  • Traffic control signal means a device, whether manually, electrically, or mechanically operated, by which traffic is alternately directed to stop and to proceed.

  • Boot camp means a short term secure or nonsecure juvenile residential facility with highly

  • Waste management means the collection, transport, recovery and disposal of waste, including the supervision of such operations and the after-care of disposal sites, and including actions taken as a dealer or broker;

  • Gonad shield means a protective barrier for the testes or ovaries.

  • L.S.D. means lysergic acid diethylamide.

  • River means a flowing body of water or a portion or tributary of a flowing body of water, including streams, creeks, or impoundments and small lakes thereon.

  • Educator means a person licensed and certified by the State under 14 Del.C. Ch. 12 to engage in the practice of instruction, administration or other related professional support services in Delaware public schools, including charter schools, pursuant to rules and regulations promulgated by the Professional Standards Board and approved by the State Board of Education. The term 'educator' does not include substitute teachers.

  • Roll coating means the application of a coating material to a substrate by means of hard rubber or steel rolls.