POSSESSION OF GAS AN INDEMNIFICATION. 1. As between the parties hereto, Seller shall be deemed to be in control and possession of the gas deliverable hereunder until it shall have been delivered to Buyer at the Point of Delivery after which Buyer shall be deemed to be in control and possession thereof.
POSSESSION OF GAS AN INDEMNIFICATION. 1. As betweenthe partieshereto,Sellershallbe deemedtobe in controlandpossessioonf thegas deliverablehereunderuntilit shallhavebeendeliveredto Buyerat the Pointof DeliveryafterwhichBuyershallbedeemedto bein control andPOSSeSSitOhnereof.
POSSESSION OF GAS AN INDEMNIFICATION. As betweenthe partieshereto,Sellershall be deemedtobe in control and possessionofthe gasdeliverablehereunderuntilit shall have been deliveredto Buyer at the Point of Deliveryafter whichBuyer shallbedeemedto bein controland possessiotnhereof. Buyershall indemnfy andholdharmlesstheSeer from anyandill loss (includingdeath),damage,or liability incurredby the Seller by reasonof any actofthe Buyer, its agents or employees,in the receivingu,seor applicationof saidgas onthe Buyer's sde ofthe PointofDetveryunlessthe samesl_aUbe dueto the solenegligenceofthe Seller,its agents or employees.TheSellershallindemnifyandhold harmlessthe Buyerfromanyandall loss(includingdeath),damageorliability incurred by theBuyerby reasonofany act of the Seller,its agentsor employees,unlessthe sameshallbedueto the sold negligenceofthe Buyer,its agentsor employees.
POSSESSION OF GAS AN INDEMNIFICATION. As betweenthe pa_es hereto,Sellershallbe deemedto be in control andpossessionofthe gas deliverablehereunderuntilit shallhavebeendeliveredto Buyeratthe Pointof DeliveryafterwhichBuyershallbe deemedto be in control andpossessionthereof. Buyershallindemnifaynd boldharmlesstheSellerfrom anyand allloss(includingdeath),damage,or liabilityincurredbythe Sellerbyreasonof any act ofthe Buyer,itsagentsor employeesi,nthereceiving,useor applicationof saidgas onthe Buyer'ssideofthe Pointof Deliveryunlessthe same shallbedueto thesolenegligenceofthe Seller,itsagents or employees.TheSellershallindemnifyandholdharmlessthe Buyerfromany andall loss(indudingdeath),damageor liabilityincurredbythe Buyerbyreasonof anyact of the Seller,itsagentsor employeesu, nlessthe same shallbe duetothe soldnegligenceof the Buyer,its agentsor employees.
POSSESSION OF GAS AN INDEMNIFICATION. 1. As beween the parties hereto, Xxxxxx shall be deemed to be in control and possession of the gas deliverable hereunder until Itshall have been delivered to Buyer at the Point of Delivety after which Buyer shall be deemed to be in control and possession thereof.
POSSESSION OF GAS AN INDEMNIFICATION. As between the parties hereto, Seller shall be deemed to be in control and possession of the gas deliverable hereunder until it shall have been delivered to Buyer at the Point of Delivery after which Buyer shall be deemed to be in control and possession thereof. Buyer shall indemnify and hold harmless the Seller from any and all loss (including death), damage, or liabilityincurred by the Seller by reason of any act of the Buyer, its agents or employees, in the receiving, use or application of said gas on the Buyer's side of the Point of Delivery unless the same shall be due to the sole negligence of the Seller, its agents or employees. The Seller shall indemnify and hold harmless the Buyer from any and all loss (including death), damage or liability incurred by the Buyer by reason of any act of the Seller, its agents or employees, unless the same shall be due to the sold negligence of the Buyer, its agents or employees.
POSSESSION OF GAS AN INDEMNIFICATION. 1. As between the parties hereto, SelJer shall be deemed to be in control and possession of the gas deliverable hereunder until itshall have been delivered to Buyer at the Point of Delivery after which Buyer shall be deemed to be in control and possession thereof.
POSSESSION OF GAS AN INDEMNIFICATION. 1. As beflveen the parties hereto, SeUer shalj be deemed to be in control and possession of the gas deliverable hereunder until it shall have been delivered to Buyer at the Point of Delivel)' after which Buyer shan be deemed to be In control and possession thereof.
POSSESSION OF GAS AN INDEMNIFICATION. As betweenthe pa_esheretoS, ellershallbe deemedtobe in control andpossessioonfthe gasdeliverablehereunderuntilit shallhave beendeliveredtoBuyer at thePointof 1, Delivery afterwhichBuyershallbe deemedto be in control and possessionthereof•
POSSESSION OF GAS AN INDEMNIFICATION. As betweenti_epartieshereto,Sellershallbe deemedto be in control andpossessionofthe gasdeliverablehereunder untilit shall havebeendeliveredto Buyer at the Point of