Examples of Practice unit in a sentence
A learner achieving a single Law or Legal Practice unit will achieve a CILEx Level 6 Single Subject Certificate for that area of Law or Legal Practice.* For learners looking to receive recognition specifically for Legal Skills development, they can achieve the CILEx Level 6 Legal Skills Certificate by taking both units 22 and 23.
The appropriate number of assessment samples must be provided to member/s of the validation panel when undertaking the validation of the unit.8. Completed Validation Records are forwarded to the VET Practice unit for tracking.5Follow up recommendations from ValidationEducation Manager & Lead Validator1.
Trinity’s first review of one of its transnational partners, the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT), was also postponed and a review of the Academic Practice unit, which sits in Trinity Teaching and Learning, was rescheduled to April 2021.
Students must complete four Language Practice units in the first semester of the first year of English study (resulting in 6 hours of language practice study per week, one language practice unit being 1 hour and 30 minutes per week) and this is reduced to one Language Practice unit in the second semester of the first year (1 hour and 30 minutes per week).
This is an enduring classic design that performs well in New Zealand weather conditions and represents excellent value.