Examples of Private attorney in a sentence
Private attorney general representative actions under the California Labor Code are not arbitrable, not within the scope of this Arbitration Provision and may be maintained in a court of law.
Private attorney general actions are not subject to this Agreement and therefore must be litigated in a civil court of competent jurisdiction.
Private attorney general representative actions (“PAGA”) brought on behalf of the state under the California Labor Code are not currently arbitrable, not within the scope of this Arbitration Provision and may be maintained in a court of law, but a claim Contractor brings on its own behalf as an aggrieved employee for recovery of underpaid wages (as opposed to a representative claim for civil penalties) is arbitrable.
Private attorney general provisions in laws of other states might raise similar issues.
COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF ALLEGHENY COUNTYFIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIAPOSITION ANNOUNCEMENT:CONFLICT PARENT ADVOCATECLASSIFICATION: Contracted Part-Time Position LOCATION: Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas, Family Division, Juvenile Division, 440 Ross Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219 SUMMARY: Private attorney representing indigent parents in dependency and termination of parental rights proceedings before judges and hearing officers in Allegheny County Juvenile Court.