Private drain definition

Private drain means a drainage system that:
Private drain means a conduit for the conveyance of storm-water or any surface, subsoil or spring water from one premises to a public drain;
Private drain means any drain which is not a municipal drain;

Examples of Private drain in a sentence

  • Private drain means a drain that: 1) is located on land owned by one (1) person or by two (2) or more persons jointly; and 2) was not established under or made subject to any drainage statute.

  • Private drain tile relocation work must be approved in writing by the Administrator prior to the work commencing.

  • Private drain tile crossings are allowed within the county highway rights-of-way by utility permit and the private drain tile owner is responsible for any needed maintenance and repairs.

  • The Interstate Stream Commission also furnished much needed technical information and provided expertise in stream flow measuring PRIVATE DRAIN WATER Private drain water comes under the Water Master’s jurisdiction as the river is used as a carrier.

  • Private drain connections are to be installed at a minimum grade of 2%.

More Definitions of Private drain

Private drain means a drain that:
Private drain means a drain or sewer or part thereof situated on private property;
Private drain means any drain not being a public drainwhereby drainage or sewage of any land or building or lands or buildings is or are drained into a public drain, 30 covered or other watercourse, or street channel :
Private drain means any drain, not being a public drain, whereby drainage or sewage of any land or building, or lands or buildings, is or are drained into a public drain,covered or other watereourse, or street channel.
Private drain means a drain which collects sewage from the water points and delivers it to the connection chamber, and is maintained by the owner or occupier;
Private drain means that section of drain between the premises and the point of discharge to a public wastewater system. This section of drain is owned and maintained by the owner or owners of premises unless otherwise specified in this Policy or Bylaw.
Private drain means a drain or sewer or part thereof situation on private property;