Private Sector means other than the fund, a state or federal source, or an agency of a state or the federal government.
private sewer means a pipe or pipes which drain foul or surface water, or both, from premises, and are not vested in a Sewerage Undertaker;
private street means any street, road, square, court, alley, passage or riding path, which is not a “public street” but does not include a pathway made by the owner of premises on his own land to secure access to or the convenient use of such premises;
Private Securities Transaction means any securities transaction relating to new offerings of securities which are not registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, provided however that transactions subject to the notification requirements of Rule 3050 of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority’s (FINRA) Conduct Rules, transactions among immediate family members (as defined in the interpretation of the FINRA Board of Governors on free-riding and withholding) for which no associated person receives any selling compensation, and personal securities transactions in investment company and variable annuity securities shall be excluded.
Uniform Grant Management Standards or “UGMS” means uniform grant and contract administration procedures, developed under the authority of Chapter 783 of the Texas
Investment Strategy is the processes and policies implemented by the Investment Manager for pursuing a particular investment objective managed by an Investment Team.
Short-rotation coppice means a specific management regime whereby the poles of trees are cut every one to two years and which is aimed at producing biomass for energy. It is exempt from the UK government timber procurement policy requirements and falls under agricultural regulation and supervision rather than forestry. The exemption only refers to short-rotation coppice, and not 'conventional' coppice which is forest management and therefore subject to the timber policy.
Sado-masochistic abuse means flagellation or torture by or upon a person or the condition of being fettered, bound, or otherwise physically restrained.
Private college means an institution for higher education other
Health care services means services for the diagnosis, prevention, treatment, cure, or relief of a health condition, illness, injury, or disease.
Sadomasochistic abuse means actual or explicitly simulated flagellation or torture by or upon a person who is nude or clad in undergarments, a mask or bizarre costume, or the condition of being fettered, bound or otherwise physically restrained on the part of one so clothed.
Private Key means the key of a key pair used to create a digital signature;
Home health care services means medical and nonmedical services, provided to ill, disabled or infirm persons in their residences. Such services may include homemaker services, assistance with activities of daily living and respite care services.
Basic health care services means in and out-of-area emergency services, inpatient hospital and
Rehabilitation counseling services means services provided by qualified personnel in individual or group sessions that focus specifically on career development, employment preparation, achieving independence, and integration in the workplace and community of a student with a disability. The term also includes vocational rehabilitation services provided to a student with disabilities by vocational rehabilitation programs funded under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.
public sector body means an entity within the ‘public sector’, the latter term as defined in Article 3 of Council Regulation (EC) No 3603/93 of 13 December 1993 specifying definitions for the application of the prohib itions referred to in Articles 104 and 104b(1) of the Treaty (1),
Home and community-based services or "HCBS" means Home and Community-Based Services as defined in OAR chapter 411, division 004.
Texas Grant Management Standards or “TxGMS” means uniform grant and contract administration procedures, developed under the authority of Chapter 783 of the Texas Government Code, to promote the efficient use of public funds in local government and in programs requiring cooperation among local, state, and federal agencies. Under this Grant Agreement, TxGMS applies to Grantee except as otherwise provided by applicable law or directed by System Agency. Additionally, except as otherwise provided by applicable law, in the event of a conflict between TxGMS and applicable federal or state law, federal law prevails over state law and state law prevails over TxGMS.
Health care decision means any decision regarding the health care of the prospective donor.
Shadow tray means a device attached to the radiation head to support auxiliary beam blocking material.
Advance health care directive means a power of attorney for health care or a record signed by a prospective donor containing the prospective donor's direction concerning a health care decision for the prospective donor.
Professional counseling means the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of behavioral health conditions by a licensed professional counselor.
Participating Retail Health Clinic means a Retail Health Clinic which has a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.
SECONDARY PLAN (SECONDARY means a plan that is not a primary plan.
School health services means health services provided by a qualified school nurse or other qualified person that are designed to enable a child with a disability to receive FAPE as described in the child’s IEP.
Private Sale means occasional selling between persons who are campus students or employees.