Examples of Privatization Agreement in a sentence
Romania’s actions were motivated by a desire to revoke the effect of the Privatization Agreement between Romania and Noble Ventures, as a means of evading its liability arising from the Agreement.
Claimant’s Exhibit n°19), for the period from Januarythrough December 1999, identifies a total “investment” of USD 285,995, a small fraction of the USD 1,100,000 called for under the Privatization Agreement.
Such costs and expenses shall be borne, as between the Government and the Corporation, as specified in the Privatization Agreement.
As noted above, EPA‟s technical assessment concluded that automakers could achieve compliance with the existing standards without heavy reliance on electric vehicle technologies.
As per the Nova Scotia Power Corporation Privatization Agreement, Nova Scotia Power Finance Corporation provides for defeasance of its debt.
To optimize the processes in the bank through information technologies, manage investments in information technologies and optimize the expenses related to information technologies, the Information Technology Executive Committee functions with the Management Board.
Rand,242 Markićević243 and Broshko244 all confirmed that they were never informed that the alleged breaches of the Privatization Agreement could have been cured simply by having Crveni Signal and Inex return the funds to BD Agro.
He could only have recommended.192 However, in the present case, the Ombudsman did not even recommend termination of the Privatization Agreement, as Claimants wrongly contend – he only recommended that steps be taken in order to finally clarify the status of BD Agro and the Privatization Agreement.
In particular, the testimonies of the witnesses confirmed what already transpired from the transcripts of the sessions of the Commission for Control – that the Agency behaved as a contractual party trying to extract performance from the other side, willing to wait for such performance and then terminating the Privatization Agreement only when no other 539 Rejoinder, paras.
Vučković also confirmed that, the Agency willfully breached the Privatization Agreement by not releasing the pledge: The President: The question was: you say here in paragraph 28 of the English version of your witness statement that the only right thing was to keep the pledge on shares.