Examples of Proceeds of the Discontinued Policy in a sentence
The Proceeds of the Discontinued Policy Fund of the Policy shall be higher of Discontinued Policy Fund Value or the Guaranteed Monetary Amount.
The Proceeds of the Discontinued Policy Fund shall be paid to You and the Policy shall terminate at the end of the Lock-in Period.4.1.4 If You Surrender the Policy, Proceeds of the Discontinued Policy Fund shall be payable at the end of Lock-in Period or date of Surrender, whichever is later.
At the end of the Lock-in-period, the Proceeds of the Discontinued Policy Fund shall be paid to You and the Policy shall terminate.- However, You may opt for Complete Withdrawal or surrender anytime as per clause 3 under Part D (“Complete Withdrawal/Surrender”) of this Policy.
The Proceeds of the Discontinued Policy Fund of this Policy shall be higher of Discontinued Policy Fund Value or the Guaranteed Monetary Amount.
On complete withdrawal or surrender of the Policy, surrender value i.e. the total Fund Value less applicable Discontinuance Charge as on the date of Discontinuance shall be credited to the ‘Discontinued Policy Fund’ and the Proceeds of the Discontinued Policy shall be payable at the end of Lock-in-period or date of Complete Withdrawal, whichever is later.