Productivity as defined in ORS 427.005 means:
Efficiency means the gas turbine manufacturer's rated heat rate at peak load in terms of heat input per unit of power output based on the lower heating value of the fuel.
Capture efficiency means the weight per unit time of VOC entering a capture system and delivered to a control device divided by the weight per unit time of total VOC generated by a source of VOC, expressed as a percentage.
Runoff coefficient means the fraction of total rainfall that will appear at the conveyance as runoff.
high-efficiency cogeneration means cogeneration meeting the criteria laid down in Annex II;
Operating Margin means the incremental adjustments, measured in megawatts, required in PJM Region operations in order to accommodate, on a first contingency basis, an operating contingency in the PJM Region resulting from operations in an interconnected Control Area. Such adjustments may result in constraints causing Transmission Congestion Charges, or may result in Ancillary Services charges pursuant to the PJM Tariff.
Baseline means the “Initial Small Business Lending Baseline” set forth on the Initial Supplemental Report (as defined in the Definitive Agreement), subject to adjustment pursuant to Section 3(a).
Growth means the rating a school will receive based on longitudinally matched student data comparing current performance to the previous year’s for the purpose of determining student academic growth.
Working level month (WLM) means an exposure to 1 working level for 170 hours (2,000 working hours per year divided by 12 months per year is approximately equal to 170 hours per month).
Coefficient means a number that represents the quantified relationship of each variable to the assessed value of a property when derived through a mass appraisal process
Metric means a) when referenced in the context of a Named User, the individual Named User category and type (and corresponding Named User definition setting for such Named User’s use rights) as further described in Section 2.1 hereof -and- b) when referenced in the context of a Package, the individual business metric corresponding with each Package as further described in Section 2.2 hereof;
Operating Income means the Company’s or a business unit’s income from operations but excluding any unusual items, determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
Market Share means the percent of sales of the total available market in an industry, product line or product attained by the Company or one of its business units during a time period.
Working level (WL) means any combination of short-lived radon daughters in 1 liter of air that will result in the ultimate emission of 1.3E+5 MeV of potential alpha particle energy. The short-lived radon daughters are—for radon-222: polonium-218, lead-214, bismuth-214, and polonium-214; and for radon-220: polonium-216, lead-212, bismuth-212, and polonium-212.
Hydraulic conductivity means the quantity of water that will flow through a unit cross-sectional area of a porous material per unit of time under a hydraulic gradient of 1.0;
Outdoor cultivation means live plants growing in an area exposed to natural sunlight and
Projects means the projects identified in Exhibit A to the Agreement and all other projects, any costs of which are included in a Transitional Capital Plan pursuant to the Act or are Recovery Costs, and financed, by payment or reimbursement, with the proceeds of Bonds or Notes.
Affordability average means the average percentage of median income at which restricted units in an affordable housing development are affordable to low- and moderate-income households.
Supplier Profit Margin means, in relation to a period or a Milestone (as the context requires), the Supplier Profit for the relevant period or in relation to the relevant Milestone divided by the total Call Off Contract Charges over the same period or in relation to the relevant Milestone and expressed as a percentage;
Thermal efficiency means the useful electric energy output of a
Operating Margin Customer means a Control Area purchasing Operating Margin pursuant to an agreement between such other Control Area and the LLC.
Net Working Capital Target means $0.00.
Adjusted Operating Income for each year in the Performance Period is defined as the Company’s net income from continuing operations as reported in the Company’s financial statements (including accompanying footnotes and management’s discussion and analysis), adjusted as set forth in the immediately following sentence. In calculating Adjusted Operating Income, net income from continuing operations shall be adjusted as follows: first (A) remove the after-tax effects of the following items: (i) losses (net of reinsurance) from catastrophes (as designated by the Insurance Service Office’s Property Claims Service Group, the Lloyd’s Claim Office, Swiss Reinsurance Company’s sigma report, or a comparable report or organization generally recognized by the insurance industry, and reported by the Company as a catastrophe); asbestos and environmental reserve charges (or releases); net realized investment gains or losses in the fixed maturities and real estate portfolios; and (ii) extraordinary items, the cumulative effect of accounting changes and federal income tax rate changes, and restructuring charges, each as defined by generally accepted accounting principles in the United States, and each as reported in the Company’s financial statements (including accompanying footnotes and management’s discussion and analysis); (B) reduced, as to the first year in the Performance Period (20XX), by $XXXXXX, as to the second year in the Performance Period (20XX), by $XXXXXX times the ratio of: the Company’s 20XX consolidated personal lines homeowners net written premium plus commercial lines property net written premium plus 50% of commercial lines multi peril net written premium divided by the Company’s 20XX consolidated personal lines homeowners net written premium plus commercial lines property net written premium plus 50% of commercial lines multi peril net written premium, and as to the third year in the Performance Period (20XX), by $XXXXXX times the ratio of: the Company’s 20XX consolidated personal lines homeowners net written premium plus commercial lines property net written premium plus 50% of commercial lines multi peril net written premium divided by the Company’s 20XX consolidated personal lines homeowners net written premium plus commercial lines property net written premium plus 50% of commercial lines multi peril net written premium; and (C) reduced by an amount intended, as of the date of this award, to approximate historical levels of credit losses (on an after-tax basis) associated with the Company’s fixed income investments, determined by (i) multiplying a fixed factor, expressed as 2.25 basis points, by the amortized cost of the Company’s fixed maturity investment portfolio at the beginning of each quarter during the relevant year in the Performance Period and (ii) adding the after-tax sum of the amounts resulting from (i) for such year in the Performance Period.
Working Capital Target means $0.
Quarterly (1/Quarter) sampling frequency means the sampling shall be done in the months of March, June, August, and December, unless specifically identified otherwise in the Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements table.
Yearly (1/Year) sampling frequency means the sampling shall be done in the month of September, unless specifically identified otherwise in the effluent limitations and monitoring requirements table.