Examples of Profit Gas in a sentence
Where income tax is payable, there is a corresponding deduction in the amount of the Profit Gas payable to TPDC.
The Company is liable for income tax in Tanzania, but the income tax is recoverable out of TPDC’s Profit Gas when the tax is payable.
As at 30th June 2021, the following are some of the information published on the municipal website: • Final Annual Report 2019/20;• Final IDP/Budget 2020/21;• Final/Adjusted/Quarterly SDBIP 2020/21;• Monthly Budget Report Statements (s71);• Senior Managers Performance Agreements;• Tenders.
In accordance with the terms of the PSA, TPDC is entitled to the payment of its share of Profit Gas on a quarterly basis proportional to the cash receipts during the quarter.
As a result: (i) no Additional Profits Tax is payable until the Company recovers its costs out of Additional Gas revenues plus an annual return of 25% plus the percentage change in the United States Industrial Goods Producer Price Index (“PPI”); and (ii) the maximum Additional Profits Tax rate is 55% of the Company’s Profit Gas when costs have been recovered with an annual return of 35% plus PPI return.
Crude oil and natural gas production shall be respectively disaggregated into Cost Oil and Profit Oil and Cost Gas and Profit Gas, using the relevant percentage calculated quarterly for Cost Petroleum in accordance with sub-clause 36(1), and for Profit Petroleum in accordance with sub- clause 36(4).
What’s required for this is that the relevant concept should determine the sort of metabolism the object is to have - which changes in the object’s parts are, and which are not, compatible with the object remaining the same.
As a result: (i) no APT is payable until the Company recovers its costs out of Additional Gas revenues plus an annual return of 25% plus the percentage change in the United States Industrial Goods Producer Price Index (“PPI”); and (ii) the maximum APT rate is 55% of the Company’s Profit Gas when costs have been recovered with an annual return of 35% plus PPI return.
In the event of commercial production of natural gas, the parties shall agree when the development plan related to such commercialization is adopted on the rules applicable to the disposal of the Government share of Profit Gas.
The Company does not expect a significant impact from the changes as it is able to recover taxes payable from the TPDC Profit Gas revenue entitlement under the terms of the PSA.