Program reserves definition

Program reserves means moneys set aside to pay expenses of an individual or joint self-insurance program.

Examples of Program reserves in a sentence

  • If the School Nutrition Program, in its reasonable discretion, determines that the Force Majeure Event is likely to delay Vendor’s performance for more than thirty (30) days, the School Nutrition Program reserves the right to cancel the agreement between the parties.

  • The Program reserves the right to publicize Applicant’s participation in the Program for promotional purposes unless the Applicant submits a written request to the Program.

  • If the School Nutrition Program, in its reasonable discretion, determines that the Force Majeure Event is likely to delay Contractor’s performance for more than thirty (30) days, the School Nutrition Program reserves the right to cancel the agreement between the parties.

  • SAMPLES: The School Nutrition Program reserves the right to request samples of any/all items indicated on the bid schedule.Samples shall be provided within five (5) business days upon request.

  • The Program reserves the right to perform independent on-site validation(s) of any Eligible Products financed by the Program even if permit inspections have already been completed.

  • In addition, the Program reserves the right to perform online monitoring of any installed renewable energy systems’ generation data, if applicable, as well the tracking of energy consumption impacts and utility usage for any installed/financed product via property utility bill data.

  • This list may not be comprehensive, and the MICHR Pilot Grant Program reserves the right to deem costs unallowable.

  • The Program reserves the right to make payment directly to you, however.

  • The Program reserves the right to publicize Applicant’s participation in the Program for promotional purposes unless the Applicant submits a written request to the Program requesting anonymity.

  • The OHA Grants Program reserves the right to cancel any activity or revise the timetable if needed.

Related to Program reserves

  • Operating Reserve means generation capacity or load reduction capacity which can be called upon on short notice by either Party to replace scheduled energy supply which is unavailable as a result of an unexpected outage or to augment scheduled energy as a result of unexpected demand or other contingencies.

  • Approved program or "approved state" means a state or interstate program that has been approved or authorized by EPA under 40 CFR Part 123 (2000).

  • Replacement Reserve As defined in Section 9.5.1.