Spinning Reserve definition

Spinning Reserve means the ability to immediately and automatically increase generation or reduce demand in response to a fall in frequency;
Spinning Reserve has the meaning set forth in the CAISO Tariff.
Spinning Reserve means the online reserve capacity that is synchronized to the grid system

Examples of Spinning Reserve in a sentence

  • Spinning Reserve Service is needed to serve load immediately in the event of a system contingency.

  • Resources capable of providing Spinning Reserve, 10-Minute Non-Synchronized Reserve and/or 30-Minute Reserve in the Day-Ahead commitment may submit Availability Bids for each hour of the upcoming day.

  • The ISO will deem Spinning Reserve to be the “highest quality” Operating Reserve, followed by 10-Minute Non-Synchronized Reserve and by 30-Minute Reserve.

  • BPA will determine the Transmission Customer’s Spinning Reserve Requirement in accordance with applicable NERC, WECC, and NWPP standards.

  • The Plan meets the approvals afforded by Section 157A subsection (4) of the Income Tax (Guernsey) Law 1975, as amended and meets the HMRC requirements of a qualifying non-UK pension scheme (QNUPS).

More Definitions of Spinning Reserve

Spinning Reserve means the online reserve capacity that is synchronized to the grid system and immediately responsive to frequency control and that is needed to maintain system frequency stability during emergency conditions, unforeseen load swings, and generation disruptions.
Spinning Reserve has the meaning set forth in the NYISO Tariff.
Spinning Reserve means the sum of the unutilized net generating capability of all units of the electric utility company that are synchronized to the power distribution system and that are capable of immediately accepting additional load. The electric generating capability of equipment under multiple ownership is prorated based on ownership unless the proportional entitlement to electric output is otherwise established by contractual arrangement.
Spinning Reserve. The difference between the synchronized capacity and the actual MW loading of the Facility, and is activated by placing the Units on automatic governor control.
Spinning Reserve means unloaded generation which is synchronized and ready to serve additional demand within ten minutes.
Spinning Reserve has the meaning set forth in the Tariff.
Spinning Reserve means part loaded generating capacity with some reserve margin that is synchronized to the system and is ready to provide increased generation at short notice pursuant to dispatch instruction or instantaneously in response to a frequency drop;