Prohibition Zone definition
Examples of Prohibition Zone in a sentence
Defendant shall prevent Groundwater Contamination, regardless of the aquifer designation or the depth of the groundwater or Groundwater Contamination, from migrating beyond the boundaries of the Prohibition Zone as may be amended pursuant to Section V.A.2.f. Compliance with the Prohibition Zone Containment Objective shall be determined as provided in Section V.A.4.b, below.
Use of groundwater in the Prohibition Zone and Expanded Prohibition Zone will be governed by the Prohibition Zone Order regardless of the aquifer designation or the depth of the groundwater or groundwater contamination.
Defendant shall plug and replace any private drinking water wells identified in any areas newly included in the Prohibition Zone by connecting those properties to the municipal water supply.
Continued migration of Groundwater Contamination into the Prohibition Zone, as may be modified, shall not be considered expansion and is allowed.
The triangular piece of property located along Dexter Road/M-14 (“Triangle Property”), depicted in Attachment C, will be included in the Prohibition Zone if the data obtained from monitoring wells MW-121s and MW-121d and other nearby wells, including any water supply well installed on the property, as validated by the Verification Process, indicate that the Groundwater Contamination has migrated to the Triangle Property.
The parties agree that any further expansion of the northern boundaries of the Prohibition Zone or Expanded Prohibition Zone to address migration of groundwater contamination outside of the Prohibition Zone or Expanded Prohibition Zone should be avoided, unless there are compelling reasons to do so.
If concentrations of 1,4-dioxane in one or more of the three new monitoring wells installed at the perimeter of the Expanded Prohibition Zone or the existing MW-120s, MW-120d, MW-121s, and MW-121d exceed 20 ug/l, Defendant shall conduct a hydrogeological investigation to determine the fate of any groundwater contamination in this area as described in the Verification Plan.
Except as otherwise provided pursuant to Section V.C.2, Defendant shall continue to monitor the Groundwater Contamination as it migrates within the Prohibition Zone until all approved monitoring wells are below 7.2 ug/L or such other applicable criterion for 1,4-dioxane for six consecutive months, or Defendant can establish to EGLE’s satisfaction that continued monitoring is not necessary to satisfy the Prohibition Zone Containment Objective.
Unless otherwise approved by EGLE, Defendant shall also properly plug non-drinking water wells in any areas newly included in the Prohibition Zone.
A map depicting the Prohibition Zone established by this Fourth Amended Consent Judgment is attached as Attachment C.