Appendix 1 Sample Clauses

Appendix 1. Appendix 1 is the HSAA, incorporating all of the amendments set out in section 2.1 above, that is effective March 31, 2020.
Appendix 1. ATTACH/LIST JOB DESCRIPTION HERE. IN THE EVENT THAT IT IS NOT TO BE ATTACHED/LISTED, PLEASE STATE HERE WHERE THE EMPLOYEE CAN ACCESS A COPY OF IT. Those rules and local agreements made by the Academy Trust Company directly affecting other terms and conditions of your employment currently cover: MEDIA AND PUBLICITY
Appendix 1. ‌ Effective January 1, 2019, unit employees shall receive a 3.0% wage increase. Effective January 1, 2020, unit employees shall receive a 3.0% wage increase. Effective January 1, 2021, unit employees shall receive a 4.1% wage increase. Full-time 40 hour employees shall receive an annual bonus of 6.6% of their base salary on December 31st. Also, as of January 1, 2021 employees on the Tour system shall have the extra Xxxxxx days provided in Article 13(which are treated as Holiday hours) be reduced by 24 hours annually and the non-tour employee’s annual bonus shall be reduced from 6.6% to 5.5%. Firefighter/EMT 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 Annual Hourly Annual Hourly Annual Hourly Recruit 45,911.49 16.9791 47,288.90 17.4885 49,227.69 18.2055 1 50,108.36 18.5312 51,611.52 19.0871 53,727.67 19.8697 2 52,851.03 19.5455 54,436.66 20.1319 56,668.54 20.9573 3 55,492.03 20.5222 57,156.88 21.1379 59,500.44 22.0046 4 58,267.14 21.5485 60,015.28 22.1950 62,475.92 23.1050 5 61,179.35 22.6255 63,014.83 23.3043 65,598.50 24.2598 6 64,237.58 23.7565 66,164.72 24.4692 68,877.37 25.4724 7 67,343.66 24.9052 69,364.09 25.6524 72,207.89 26.7041 Firefighter/Paramedic 104 hrs. 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 Annual Hourly Annual Hourly Annual Hourly 1 53,634.92 19.8354 55,244.07 20.4305 57,509.21 21.2682 2 56,377.59 20.8497 58,068.94 21.4752 60,449.81 22.3557 3 59,018.59 21.8264 60,789.16 22.4812 63,281.44 23.4029 4 61,793.97 22.8528 63,647.83 23.5384 66,257.46 24.5035 5 64,705.91 23.9297 66,647.11 24.6476 69,379.77 25.6582 6 67,764.13 25.0607 69,797.00 25.8125 72,658.64 26.8708 7 70,870.22 26.2094 72,996.37 26.9957 75,989.16 28.1025 Firefighter/Paramedic 80 hrs. 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 Annual Hourly Annual Hourly Annual Hourly 1 53,634.92 25.7860 55,244.07 26.5596 57,509.21 27.6486 2 56,377.59 27.1046 58,068.94 27.9178 60,449.81 29.0624 3 59,018.59 28.3743 60,789.16 29.2256 63,281.44 30.4238 4 61,793.97 29.7086 63,647.83 30.5999 66,257.46 31.8545 5 64,705.91 31.1086 66,647.11 32.0419 69,379.77 33.3557 6 67,764.13 32.5789 69,797.00 33.5563 72,658.64 34.9320 7 70,870.22 34.0722 72,996.37 35.0944 75,989.16 36.5333 Fire Inspector/EMT 80 hrs. 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 Annual Hourly Annual Hourly Annual Hourly 1 52,733.82 25.3528 54,315.87 26.1134 56,542.72 27.1840 2 55,559.30 26.7112 57,226.00 27.5125 59,572.24 28.6405 3 58,280.14 28.0193 60,028.59 28.8599 62,489.86 30.0432 4 61,139.09 29.3939 62,973.46 30.2757 65,555.36 31.5170 5 64,139.09 30.8361 66,063.30 31.7612 68,771.87...
Appendix 1. The delivery of the requested Adobe financial statements and financial information is subject to the following assumptions:
Appendix 1. This Appendix lists the matters that the Council will check prior to entering into this agreement.
Appendix 1Customer and the respective Data Controllers shall determine the purposes of collecting, processing, and otherwise using Personal Data stored in the Cloud Service. Unless provided otherwise in the Agreement, Appendix 1 of the Schedule shall apply to such data processing.
Appendix 1. Obratový bonus Turnover bonus
Appendix 1. Nom Adresse Exploitant:………………………………………………… …….. N° de(s) titre(s): ……………………………………………………….. UFG:………………………………………………………. Contrat N°: ……………………………………………………….. E101 N°: ………………………………………………………..