Examples of Provider error in a sentence
Shipments rejected due to Provider error will be returned solely at Provider's cost.
Shipments rejected due to Provider error will be returned solely at Provider’s cost.
If a Provider error was made in billing, the Provider will make the necessary correction(s) and resubmit the claim.
Print will not include the following print resource usage: System management reports or printed output associated with Service Provider error.
Service Provider shall be responsible for any damages to public or private property or fines incurred as a result of negligence or other Service Provider error.
An overpayment may result from ORI error; Case Management Provider error; participant error, misrepresentation or withholding of information, including failure to report changes affecting eligibility or grant amount within five working days of the change(s); or payment of assistance pending implementation of a fair hearing decision in which a proposed action is upheld.
It shall not be considered a Provider error if a Provider cares for a child whose care has been authorized by the State even if the child’s parent is later found not to be eligible for subsidy.
A repayment arrangement may be made if all of the following criteria are met: • The overpayment is determined to be caused by Provider error.
In response to the question raised regarding the loan payment of £150, it was explained that it was a Payroll Provider error due to tax correction in August, leaving a shortfall in disposable income the officer in question, given the circumstances it was agreed a small loan would be paid with the repayment made through payroll from net pay, deducting £50 each month for the next 3 months.
The common sources of payment errors include: • Incorrect recipient (Payee); • Delivered incorrectly by the postal service; • Consolidation error directed the payment to an incorrect party; • Stop payment request honored and funds credited to End User’s Billable Account, but the check was paid; • Service Provider error; or • Duplicate payment made to Payee.