Provider error definition

Provider error means and may result from:
Provider error means that an institution unintentionally received increased benefits caused by incorrect actions (including delayed or no action) by the Department of Human Services staff or department processes.

Examples of Provider error in a sentence

  • Shipments rejected due to Provider error will be returned solely at Provider's cost.

  • Shipments rejected due to Provider error will be returned solely at Provider’s cost.

  • If a Provider error was made in billing, the Provider will make the necessary correction(s) and resubmit the claim.

  • Print will not include the following print resource usage: System management reports or printed output associated with Service Provider error.

  • Service Provider shall be responsible for any damages to public or private property or fines incurred as a result of negligence or other Service Provider error.

  • An overpayment may result from ORI error; Case Management Provider error; participant error, misrepresentation or withholding of information, including failure to report changes affecting eligibility or grant amount within five working days of the change(s); or payment of assistance pending implementation of a fair hearing decision in which a proposed action is upheld.

  • It shall not be considered a Provider error if a Provider cares for a child whose care has been authorized by the State even if the child’s parent is later found not to be eligible for subsidy.

  • A repayment arrangement may be made if all of the following criteria are met: • The overpayment is determined to be caused by Provider error.

  • In response to the question raised regarding the loan payment of £150, it was explained that it was a Payroll Provider error due to tax correction in August, leaving a shortfall in disposable income the officer in question, given the circumstances it was agreed a small loan would be paid with the repayment made through payroll from net pay, deducting £50 each month for the next 3 months.

  • The common sources of payment errors include: • Incorrect recipient (Payee); • Delivered incorrectly by the postal service; • Consolidation error directed the payment to an incorrect party; • Stop payment request honored and funds credited to End User’s Billable Account, but the check was paid; • Service Provider error; or • Duplicate payment made to Payee.

Related to Provider error

  • Provider panel means those providers with which a carrier contracts to provide health care services

  • Provider is any individual or company that provides professional or technical services.

  • Enhanced Service Provider (ESP) means the provider of enhanced services, as those services are defined in 47 CFR Section 64.702.

  • Provider agency means a funded organization under contract with the Children’s Board to deliver and provide social services and supports to children and families of Hillsborough County, FL.

  • Primary Care Provider (PCP) means a health care professional who is contracted with BCBSAZ as a PCP and generally specializes in or focuses on the following practice areas: internal medicine, family practice, general practice, pediatrics or any other classification of provider approved as a PCP by BCBSAZ. Your benefit plan does not require you to have a PCP or to have a PCP authorize specialist referrals.

  • Internet Service Provider (ISP) means an Enhanced Service Provider (ESP) that provides Internet Services.

  • Enhanced Service Provider (ESP) is a provider of enhanced services as those services are defined in 47 CFR Section 64.702.