Examples of Public housing agency in a sentence
Dis- trict of Columbia Development Land Agency bonds, 42 USC 1452.2. District of Columbia general obligation bonds issued after January 28, 1987, D.C. Code 47−33.3. Municipal bonds.4. Public housing agency bonds issued after January 28, 1987, and by agencies located outside Wisconsin.
Public housing agency bonds issued on or prior to January 28, 1987, by agencies located outside Wisconsin where the interest from the bonds qual- ifies for exemption from federal income taxation solely because of section 103 of the internal revenue code.5. Robert F.
In addition, HQLR shall mean the HUD Headquarters Office of Labor Relations, RLRO shall mean the Regional Labor Relations Officer, LRS shall mean the HUD Labor Relations Specialist/staff; PHA shall mean the appropriate staff of the Public housing agency involved, and TDHE (tribally-designated housing entity) shall mean the Indian tribe, Indian housing agency or other tribally-designated housing agency administering the program.
The terms Department, HUD, Indian housing authority (IHA), Public housing agency (PHA), and Secretaryare defined in 24 CFR part 5.
The terms Department, HUD, Indian housing authority (IHA), Public housing agency (PHA), and Secretary are defined in 24 CFR part 5.