Public utilities means those utilities defined in sections 4905.02, 4905.03, 4907.02, and 4907.03 of the Revised Code; in the case of a foreign corporation, it means those utilities defined as public utilities by the laws of its domicile; and in the case of any other foreign issuer, it means those utilities defined as public utilities by the laws of the situs of its principal place of business. The term always includes railroads whether or not they are so defined as public utilities.
Public utility means any business entity that owns or operates any plant, equipment, property, franchise, or license for the production, transmission, sale, delivery, or furnishing of elec- tricity, water, or steam the rates of charges for goods or services of which have been established or approved by a federal, state, or local government or governmental agency.
Local district means a local government entity under Title 17B, Limited Purpose
Resident district means the school district in which a student is entitled to attend school under section 3313.64 or 3313.65 of the Revised Code.
Electric utility means any person that generates, transmits, or distributes electric energy for use by
Electric utility steam generating unit means any steam electric generating unit that is constructed for the purpose of supplying more than one-third of its potential electric output capacity and more than 25 MW electrical output to any utility power distribution system for sale. Any steam supplied to a steam distribution system for the purpose of providing steam to a steam-electric generator that would produce electrical energy for sale is also considered in determining the electrical energy output capacity of the affected facility.
Municipal electric utility means a municipal corporation that owns or operates facilities to generate, transmit, or distribute electricity.
Residential district means an area of a municipality where 75% or more of the area is zoned for residential housing.
district municipality means a municipality that has municipal executive and legislative authority in an area that includes more than one municipality, and which is described in section 155 (1) of the Constitution as a category C municipality;
School district means a public school district.