Examples of Pulsed mode in a sentence
The main idea behind our proof is that the travel distance of the robot is large only if many of the are large.
A comprehensive set of current waveforms is available, targeting both pain management and muscle stimulation applications; interferential (4-pole), premodulated (2-pole interferential), Russian, NMS (Pulsed mode, burst mode), high volt, TENS, Microcurrent and Direct current.
Pulsed mode is used to characterize reactor pulses in this context, which are significantly longer than the neutron pulses at an LDNS or a spallation source and are on the order of ms.
Pulsed mode constant current iontophonetic transdermal delivery of propranolol hydrochloride in acute hypertensive and normotensive rats.
Output is only enabled when the input has a voltage on it.For Pulsed mode, either channel can be controlled by either trigger input.
Pulsed mode Nd-YAG lasers are typically operated in the Q-switching mode or in mode-locking.
Pulsed mode operation takes place by step reactivity insertions where the maximum reactor power is approximately 1200 MW(th) that is not possible at the present time [2-3].
Light output against injection current (L-I) at various heatsink temperature under (b) Pulsed mode and (c) CW mode.
Only 3 (4.3%) of the respondents cited this strategy as the best unique strategy being adopted to retain existing customers.
Pulsed mode radiofrequency lesioning to treat chronic post-tonsillectomy pain (secondary glossopharyngeal neuralgia): a case conference.