Reagent definition

Reagent means any product other than fuel that is stored on-board the vehicle and is provided to the exhaust after-treatment system upon request of the emission control system.
Reagent means a compound or mixture added to a system to cause a chemical reaction or to test if a reaction occurs. A reagent may be used to tell whether or not a specific chemical substance is present by causing a reaction to occur with the chemical substance.
Reagent means any medium that is stored on-board the vehicle in a tank and provided to the exhaust aftertreatment system (if required) upon request of the emission control system;

Examples of Reagent in a sentence

  • Standard Specification for Reagent Water, IBR approved for Appendix A: Method 306, Sections 7.1.1 and 7.4.2.

  • Allow all reagents – with the exception of Precipitating Reagent - to reach room temperature and mix thoroughly by gentle inversion before use.

  • Write name of preparer, preparation date, reagent manufacturer, manufacturer lot number in the Analytical Reagent log book.

  • Standard Specification for Reagent Water, IBR approved for appendix B: Method 101, Section 7.1.1; Method 101A, Section 7.1.1; and Method 104, Section 7.1; Method 108, Section 7.1.3; Method 108A, Section 7.1.1; Method 108B, Section 7.1.1; Method 108C, Section 7.1.1; and Method 111, Section 7.3.

  • The Install the ANALYZERS / ASSAYS on Reagent Rental Basis provided under this Contract shall conform to the authoritative latest industry standards.

More Definitions of Reagent

Reagent means any consumable or non-recoverable medium required and used for the effective operation of the exhaust after-treatment system;
Reagent. , means any transduction reagents, transfection reagents and/or related small molecules and/or buffers supplied by Sartorius in accordance with related Quotation and this Agreement. “Representatives” means Sartorius and Customer’s respective employees, agents, consultants, officers, subcontractors and Affiliates.
Reagent means any consumable or non-recoverable medium required and used for the effective operation of the exhaust after-treatment system.
Reagent means a substance used for various purposes (i.e., in detecting, examining, or measuring other substances; in preparing materials; in developing photographs) because it takes part in one or more chemical reactions or biological processes. A reagent is also a substance used to convert one substance into another by means of the reaction that it causes. To be a reagent for purpose of the exemption, a substance must be primarily used as a reagent.
Reagent means a chemical, biological or immunological component, solution or preparation intended by the manufacturer to be used as in vitro diagnostic medical device;
Reagent means a PEG derivative used in the manufacture of a pharmaceutical or diagnostic product or medical device, including SELECTED REAGENT.
Reagent means a substance or compound that is added to a system in order to bring about a chemical reaction or is added to see if a reaction occurs to confirm the presence of another sub- stance.