Examples of Purchasing Consortia in a sentence
Contractor shall verify to the Ohio Council of Educational Purchasing Consortia (OCEPC), its Member Agencies and other qualifying purchasers that the Contractor is complying with all Federal, State and Local Laws, Codes and Regulations while fulfilling the contract.
Any joint procurement activity with other local authorities or public bodies, including Membership or use of Purchasing Consortia, shall be agreed via Pre- Procurement Reporting requirements as outlined within 1.10.1 herein.
Any joint procurement activity with other local authorities or public bodies, including Membership or use of Purchasing Consortia, shall be agreed via Pre-Procurement Reporting requirements as outlined within 1.10.1. The Council may also enter into existing public sector framework arrangements, where it is evident that such frameworks represent the optimum solution to the Council in terms of service and cost.
SUPC is one of the six regional University Purchasing Consortia in the UK which together form the United Kingdom University Purchasing Consortia (UKUPC) group.
Any joint procurement arrangements with other Local Authorities or public bodies including membership or use of Purchasing Consortia (other than ESPO) shall be approved at Councillor level in line with the Constitution prior to the commencement of any procurement on behalf of the Council.
UKUPC (UK Universities Purchasing Consortia) is the evolved convergence of eight UK Consortia; APUC, HEPCW, LUPC, NEUPC, NWUPC, SUPC, TEC and TUCO who created a formal partnership to support collaborative procurement within Higher Education.
The Ohio Council of Educational Purchasing Consortia (OCEPC) will inform its membership and other qualified purchasers of contract information via web site and through other marketing strategies.
Not all M25 Consortium Libraries are in the HE Sector, and so may very well not be a member of one of the University Purchasing Consortia covered by the Books Tender Agreement (SUPC, LUPC etc).
We are not-for-profit, a registered charity that is focused on the needs of the Higher Education sector, and a member of UK Universities Purchasing Consortia (UKUPC).We help universities, colleges and educational charities buy sustainably, responsiblyand smarter.
Purchasing Consortia in the public sector, models and methods for success, ISM conference proceedings, Nashville, TN.Bloch, R.E., S.P. Perlman, J.S. Brown.