Purchasing Director means County’s Director of Purchasing as appointed by the Broward County Administrator.
Purchasing Director means the Leon County employee duly authorized to enter into and administer contracts and make written determinations with respect thereto under the terms of the purchasing policies of the Board of County Commissioners of Leon County.
Purchasing Director means the director of the division appointed under Section 63A-2-102.
Examples of Purchasing Director in a sentence
County’s Purchasing Director shall approve in instances where the original Work Authorization amount plus the total of such modifications exceeds Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) but does not exceed the Purchasing Director’s delegated authority level.
The Purchasing Director is authorized to exercise this renewal option.
Final payment for the Project must be approved by the Purchasing Director.
More Definitions of Purchasing Director
Purchasing Director means the Purchasing Director of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.
Purchasing Director means Municipality’s designee authorized to execute WorkAuthorization provided for in Section 6.3.
Purchasing Director means person who manages purchasing department for Snapping Shoals Electric Membership Corporation.
Purchasing Director means Municipality’s
Purchasing Director or "PD" means the Purchasing Director for the County of Chaves
Purchasing Director means District employee designated by the Superintendent within the administrative structure of the District has having primary management responsibility for procurement by the District. The Superintendent may provide for the division or sharing of duties and powers assigned by this Code to the "Chief Procurement Officer" to more than one person. Unless otherwise provided by the Superintendent, the "Chief Business Officer" serves as the "Chief Procurement Officer." (§ 11-35-310(5))
Purchasing Director means Municipality’s City Manager or designee authorized to execute Work Authorizations.