Random sample definition

Random sample means a statistically valid random sample for which the probability of selection for every item in the universe is known.
Random sample means a systematic (or every “nth” unit) sample for which each item in the universe has an equal probability of being selected.
Random sample means a systematic (or every nth unit) sample for which each item in the uni- verse has an equal probability of being selected.

Examples of Random sample in a sentence

  • Random sample for testing will be picked only after supply of entire lot and will be sent for testing within 10 days of delivery of the last safe.

  • Random sample consensus: a paradigm for model fitting with applications to image analysis and automated cartography.

  • Random sample testing may be performed during the resultant contract as required by the District.

  • M.A., Bolles, R.C.: Random sample consensus: A paradigm for model fitting with applications to image analysis and automated cartography.

  • Random sample testing has taken place which indicated average ore grades of around 2-5 gpt (grammes per tonne).

More Definitions of Random sample

Random sample means an amount of usable marijuana taken from a batch in which different fractions of the usable marijuana have an equal probability of being represented.
Random sample means a sample from a location chosen by the Engineer based on random numbers such that any portion of a lot or sublot has an equal probability of being selected.
Random sample means the group of operators that are randomly selected by the state auditor pursuant to subsection (2)(a) of this section.
Random sample means arbitrary selection through a process in which each classroom in each building has an equal chance of being selected.
Random sample means a systematic (or every nth unit) sample for which each item in the universe has an equal probability of being selected. Sample size is determined by federal guidelines when federal reporting is required.
Random sample means arbitrary selection through a process of assigning numbers to in which each classroom in each building to be assessed has an equal chance of being selected.
Random sample means that every package in the lot has an equal chance of being selected as part of the sample.