Rate proposal definition
Examples of Rate proposal in a sentence
For your convenience in preparing an Indirect Cost Rate proposal, links are provided below to the document titled “Guidance for Indirect Rate Submission” and to a model indirect rate proposal spreadsheet.
In Phase 2 TURN helped develop the record on SCE’s process for estimating staffing levels, how SCE decided which buildings and systems were necessary during shutdown, M&S inventory, acquisition dates and outflow, SCE’s process for determining net investment of necessary assets, SCE’s views on various terms in its Interim Rate proposal, and how SDG&E sought to make a similar, but not identical, proposal.
For your convenience in preparing an Indirect Cost Rate proposal, links are provided below to the document titled “Guidance for Indirect Rate Submission” and to the “Simple Indirect Rate Model” in MS Excel format.
You may submit a copy of your organization’s Indirect Cost Rate Agreement or Indirect Cost Rate proposal using the Other Attachments Form as part of the application package if your proposed project budget includes indirect costs.
For your convenience in preparing an Indirect Cost Rate proposal, links are provided below to the document titled “Guidance for Indirect Rate Submission” and to the “Simple Indirect Rate Model” in Microsoft Excel format.
The current Indirect Cost Rate proposal has been submitted to DOI and is awaiting negotiation and approval.Requires E.O. 12372 ReviewNo, this application does not require E.O. 12372 Review.
Detailed guidelines for preparing an Indirect Cost Rate proposal are contained in CareerSource Florida Administrative Policy Number 86.
For your convenience in preparing an Indirect Cost Rate proposal, links are provided below to the document titled “Guidance for Indirect Rate Submission”, to the “Simple Indirect Rate Model” in Microsoft Excel format, and to the “Indirect Rate Presentation”.
Council notes the outcomes of the community engagement program on the One Rate proposal and the responses to the matters raised.
The current Indirect Cost Rate proposal has been submitted to DOI and is awaiting negotiation and approval.Requires E.O. 12372 ReviewNo, this application does not require E.O. 12372 Review.Delinquent Federal DebtNo, my organization does not have delinquent federal debt.