Rate study definition

Rate study means an analysis conducted by the department or its contracted vendor to develop a recommended rate methodology and resulting base rate amount and payment model based on the service model and cost components for the service. [PL 2021, c. 639, §2 (NEW).]
Rate study means the “Rate Study for Impact Fees for Transportation,” City of Shoreline, dated April 24, 2014.
Rate study means the 2007 transportation impact fee rate study, dated October 26, 2007, as updated and amended from time to time.

Examples of Rate study in a sentence

  • The HES Realization Rate study is a supplemental evaluation following up on the larger 2011 HES Impact Study, which was completed in 2012.

  • The HES Realization Rate study targeted two measures: insulation and air sealing.

  • The Respondent questioned the method used to stabilize the nine sale properties and highlighted that the Respondent‟s independent consultant, in his Capitalization Rate study and Critical Review of the Altus document, (Exhibit R-6 D, section 17) did not find any support for this approach advocated by the Complainant.

  • The VHQ is a 25-item questionnaire that assesses handicapping consequences of vertigo such as difficulties in performing physical activities and restrictions in social activities [107].

  • As a result, 88 percent of centers and 87 percent of family providers in the CCR&R database - from which the Market Rate study results are drawn - report they are willing to serve subsidy clients.

More Definitions of Rate study

Rate study means the park or transportation impact fee rate study as updated and amended from time to time.
Rate study means the "Pierce County Traffic Impact Fee Rate Study", dated September 30, 2005.
Rate study means a professional study, usually by a municipal advisor, to determine whether existing utility rates are sufficient to meet all of the utility’s needs or whether the rates need to be increased.
Rate study means the City of West Richland “Transportation Impact Fee Update” Study, completed by HDR, Inc., dated March 4, 2004.
Rate study means the “Transportation Impact Fee Rate Study Update,” prepared for the City of Kenmore by Fehr & Peers, dated December 2015.
Rate study means the “Transportation Impact Fee Rate Calculations for City of North Bend,” prepared by Henderson, Young and Company dated October 15, 2013, as amended by Impact Fee Memorandum dated September 18, 2015, prepared by Fehr & Peers Associates, Inc.
Rate study means the Transportation Impact Fee Rate Study, City of Kirkland, by Mirai, Associates, dated April 10, 2007.