Reading definition
Reading means the numerical value displayed by an analyser, flow-measuring instrument, sensor or any other measurement devise applied in the context of vehicle emission measurements.
Reading means the stage of consideration of a bill or joint resolution after reading or publishing of a portion of the title sufficient for identification, as determined by the Speaker.
Reading means a complex system of deriving meaning from print
Examples of Reading in a sentence
The Public Reading Room is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays.
The EPA Docket Center Public Reading Room is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays.
Prerequisite: Meet TSI college-readiness standard for Reading and Writing; or equivalent.
Laubach, Berks County Services Center, 633 Court Street, 13th Floor, Reading, PA, 19601.
The telephone number for the Public Reading Room is (202) 566–1744, and the telephone number for the OPP Docket is (703) 305–5805.
More Definitions of Reading
Reading means, within the meaning of section 412 of the Charter (D.C. Official Code § 1-204.12), an opportunity for the Members to debate and vote on proposed legislation at a regular or additional legislative meeting of the Council. A reconsideration of legislation after it has been transmitted to the Mayor is considered a “reading” when there have been at least 13 days intervening between the last reading of the legislation and the reconsideration date.
Reading means Reading Entertainment, Inc., a Nevada corporation, and its successors.
Reading means the stage of consideration of a bill or joint
Reading means a repeatable representation on a combustible gas indicator or equivalent instrument expressed in percent LEL or gas-air ratio.
Reading means, within the meaning of section 412 of the Charter (D.C. Official Code § 1-204.12), an opportunity for the Members to debate and vote on proposed legislation at a regular or additional legislative meeting of the Council.
Reading means a complex system of deriving meaning from written
Reading in this context means the ability to create an re-create the culture around us.