Meter means a device which records the demand and/or the electrical energy consumed and includes conventional and prepayment meters;
Meter means, unless otherwise qualified, a device that measures and registers the integral of an electrical quantity with respect to time.
Meter means a water meter as defined by the Regulations published in terms of the Trade Metrology Act, 1973 (Act No. 77 of 1973), or, in the case of water meters of size greater than 100 mm, a device which measures the quantity of water passing through it;
Examples of Meter in a sentence
The primary duties of the Meter Reader are to read the meters in accord with the schedules provided them by the Company.
We are not responsible for any malfunctions of any part of the communication link connecting the Meter with the USPS data system.
Meter Readers may be assigned the work of obtaining meter reads for any reason.
You may only use this access point for connectivity between the Equipment or Meter and the internet and for no other purpose.
When the Meter Readers have completed their meter reading schedules, they may be assigned the work of obtaining meter reads for whatever the reason the Company needs the meter read.
More Definitions of Meter
Meter without other qualification, shall mean any device or instrument which is used by a utility in measuring a quantity of gas.
Meter means an instrument that measures the quantity of gas passing through it and includes associated equipment attached to the instrument to filter, control or regulate the flow of gas.
Meter means a „Meter‟ as defined in the Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006 as amended from time to time.2. Connectivity to the Grid. –a) The open access customer/ generator and the Transmission/Distribution Licensee shall comply with the provisions contained in Central ElectricityAuthority (Technical Standards for Interconnecting to the Grid) Regulations, 2007 which includes the following namely;
Meter means an equipment used for measuring electrical quantities like energy in kWh or kVAh, maximum demand in kW or kVA, reactive energy in kVARh etc. including accessories like Current Transformers (CT) and Potential Transformers (PT), cables, where used in conjunction with such meter and any enclosure used for housing or fixing such meter or its accessories and any devices like switches or MCB/ load limiter or fuses used for protection and testing purposes.
Meter means our meter;
Meter shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.3.1.
Meter means a „Meter‟ as defined in the Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006 as amended from time to time. 2. Interfacing and evacuation facilities.- (a) The CGP holder agrees to interface his Captive Generating Plant with the STU/Distribution Licensee‟s Transmission/Distribution network through ----------------- lines and shall bear the entire cost of interfacing Including the cost of lines, switch gear, metering, protection and other arrangements from the point of generation to the STU/Distribution Licensee‟s nearest technically feasible interconnection point;(b) It is further agreed that the works of interconnecting the Captive Generating Plant up to the interconnection point shall be executed under Deposit Contribution Work (DCW) by the STU/Distribution Licensee;(c) The CGP holder and the STU/Distribution Licensee shall comply with the contained in Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for interconnecting to the Grid) Regulations, 2007 which includes the following namely;