Examples of Realised Profits in a sentence
Unless we have agreed otherwise, we will automatically convert any Cash, Realised Profits and Losses, adjustments, fees and charges that are denominated in another currency to your Base Currency before applying them to your Account.
Such balances are for your information only and are not final until the Realised Profits and Losses are converted and applied to your Account.
We may elect to do so by withholding any such amounts from your Realised Profits.
If there is sufficient money in your Account and/or you have sufficient Realised Profits to cover any Realised Loss in full, then a Realised Loss will be due and payable immediately.
There are three profit strategies available under the product: Profit Protect Strategy: Realised Profits on the sale of Equity Investments will be moved to Debt and Debt related instruments like money market mutual funds.
Realised Profits on the Sale of SPPs means the proceeds of sales net of any brokerage paid of any securities issued pursuant to SPPs, less the price paid to acquire such SPP securities.
If there is sufficient money in the Client’s Account and/or the Client has sufficient Realised Profits to cover any Realised Loss in full, then a Realised Loss will be due and payable immediately.
Realised Profits or Realised Losses will be credited to or debited from your Cash Balance.
Taxes34.20 We are permitted, but not required, to withhold any sums for tax purposes on the Realised Profits or on any Daily Financing Fees that you receive as a result of holding positions in CFD or FX Contracts.34.21 You are responsible for the payment of all taxes that may arise in relation to your Trades.
In calculating the amount available for distribution, issuers should take into account any restrictions in the issuers’ articles and statutory provisions applicable in its place of incorporation15.15 Hong Kong incorporated issuers should read the HKICPA’s Accounting Bulletin 4 “Guidance on the Determination of Realised Profits and Losses in the Context of Distributions under the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance” (“AB 4”) issued in May 2010 which provides guidance on the determination of distributable profits.