Examples of Recovery well in a sentence
Injection well Recovery well Injection well Recovery well BEFORE AFTERTo make more, wider and better connections for gas bubbles to escape ~ 75 feet apartDiagrammatic cross-section through an injection and recovery well, showing schematic representation of fracture network.
Locations where no visible impacts were observed are also shown on these figures.• Recovery well locations are shown on Figure 2-2.
The Issuer shall also pay the clearing expenses of the NBB in accordance with the Clearing Agreement.
Recovery well 187-6 is located downgradient of the NTF where oxygenate concentrations are low or non-detect and the extraction rate of approximately 4 gpm accounts for approximately one third of the overall NTF extraction rate.
An application for the renewal of a ground water withdrawal project to change existing Well No. 20 from an Aquifer Storage and Recovery well to a production well, to continue the total combined withdrawal of 273.01 mg/30 days from all fifteen wells, and to increase the allocation for Wells Nos.