Examples of Gathering System in a sentence
Gatherer has the right to coordinate with downstream connecting facilities to ensure that Shipper has arranged for receipt of its Crude Oil at the Nominated Delivery Point; by Nominating Crude Oil for transportation on the Gathering System, Shipper agrees to permit such coordination.
Such measuring equipment shall be comparable to the measuring equipment of other parties delivering gas into the Gathering System.
Shipper shall follow the meter calibrations schedule established by Gatherer for each meter on the Gathering System.
The exchange of such information and any changes thereto shall not give rise to any rights or liabilities as among the Parties except as expressly set forth in this Agreement, and Gatherer shall determine at its own risk the time at which it begins to work on and incur costs in connection with particular Gathering System expansion projects, including the acquisition of rights of way, equipment and materials.
Shipper's Gas delivered into the Gathering System shall be commercially free from liquids of any kind, air, dust, gum, gum forming constituents, harmful or noxious vapors, or other solid or liquid matter which, in the sole judgment of Gatherer, may interfere with the merchantability of Shipper's Gas or cause injury to or interfere with proper operation of the lines, regulators, meters or other equipment of the Gathering System.