Reference Bond Yield definition

Reference Bond Yield means the yield to maturity or interpolated yield to maturity (on the relevant day count basis) of the relevant Reference Bond;
Reference Bond Yield means, with respect to the Make-whole Redemption Date, (a) the arithmetic average of the Reference Government Bond Dealer Quotations for the Make-whole Redemption Date, after excluding the highest and lowest such Reference Government Bond Dealer Quotations, or (b) if the Calculation Agent obtains fewer than four such Reference Government Bond Dealer Quotations, the arithmetic average of all such quotations.
Reference Bond Yield means the rate per annum equal to the annual yield to maturity of the Reference Bond, assuming a price equal to the Reference Bond Price for the Reference Date; andA10331446/0.49/19 Jan 2009

More Definitions of Reference Bond Yield

Reference Bond Yield means the annual yield to maturity or interpolated yield to maturity (on the relevant day count basis) of the relevant Reference Bond expressed as a percentage, as determined by the Calculation Agent as follows on the basis of the Reference Government Bond Dealer Quotations provided to the Calculation Agent (upon request by or on behalf of the Issuer) by the Reference Government Bond Dealers at or around the relevant Reference Bond Reset Rate Time on the relevant Reset Determination Date. If four or more Reference Government Bond Dealer Quotations are so provided, the Reset Reference Rate shall be the arithmetic average of such Reference Government Bond Dealer Quotations after excluding the
Reference Bond Yield means the yield to maturity or interpolated yield to maturity (on the relevant day count basis) of the relevant Reference Bond; Reference Bond Dealer means each of five banks (selected by the Issuer on the advice of an investment bank of international repute), or their affiliates, which are (A) primary government securities dealers, and their respective successors, or (B) market makers in pricing c orporate bond issues; Reference Bond Dealer Quotations means, with respect to each Reference Bond Dealer and the relevant Reset Determination Date, the arithmetic average, as determined by the Calculation Agent, of the bid and offered prices for the relevant Reference Bond (expressed in each case as a percentage of its nominal amount) at or around the Reference Bond Reset Rate Time on the relevant Reset Determination Date quoted in writing to the Calculation Agent by such Reference Bond Dealer;
Reference Bond Yield means the rate per annum equal to the annual yield to maturity of the Reference Bond, assuming a price equal to the Reference Bond Price for the Reference Date; and 174

Related to Reference Bond Yield

  • Reference Bond Rate means, with respect to any date of redemption, the rate per annum equal to the annual or semi-annual yield (as the case may be) to maturity or interpolated yield to maturity (on the relevant day count basis) of the Reference Bond, assuming a price for the Reference Bond (expressed as a percentage of its nominal amount) equal to the Reference Bond Price for such date of redemption;

  • Bond Yield means the yield of the last series of Bonds issued, for purposes of this calculation the yield of the Bonds shall be the yield calculated at the time such Bonds are issued, pursuant to Section 148 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended for the purpose of the Non- Arbitrage Certificate or other similar bond issuance document.

  • Reference Bond means for any Reset Period a government security or securities issued by the state responsible for issuing the Specified Currency (which, if the Specified Currency is euro, shall be Germany) selected by the Issuer on the advice of an investment bank of international repute as having an actual or interpolated maturity comparable with the relevant Reset Period that would be utilised, at the time of selection and in accordance with customary financial practice, in pricing new issues of corporate debt securities denominated in the same currency as the Notes and of a comparable maturity to the relevant Reset Period.

  • Reference Bond Price means, with respect to any date of redemption, (a) the arithmetic average of the Reference Government Bond Dealer Quotations for such date of redemption, after excluding the highest and lowest such Reference Government Bond Dealer Quotations, or (b) if the Determination Agent obtains fewer than four such Reference Government Bond Dealer Quotations, the arithmetic average of all such quotations;

  • Reset Reference Bank Rate means, in relation to a Reset Interest Period and the Reset Rate of Interest Determination Date in relation to such Reset Interest Period, the percentage rate determined on the basis of the 7-year Mid-Swap Rate Quotations provided by the Reset Reference Banks to the Fiscal Agent at approximately 11:00 a.m. (New York City time) on such Reset Rate of Interest Determination Date. If at least three quotations are provided, the Reset Reference Bank Rate will be the arithmetic mean of the quotations provided, eliminating the highest quotation (or, in the event of equality, one of the highest) and the lowest quotation (or, in the event of equality, one of the lowest). If only two quotations are provided, the Reset Reference Bank Rate will be the arithmetic mean of the quotations provided. If only one quotation is provided, the Reset Reference Bank Rate will be the quotation provided. If no quotations are provided,

  • Mid-Swap Rate means, in relation to a Reset Determination Date and subject to Condition 3(b)(ii), either:

  • Reference Bond Dealer means each of five banks which are primary government securities dealers or market makers in pricing corporate bond issuances, as selected by the Calculation Agent in its discretion after consultation with the Issuer;

  • Reference Bank Rate means the arithmetic mean of the rates (rounded upwards to four decimal places) as supplied to the Facility Agent at its request by the Reference Banks as the rate at which the relevant Reference Bank could borrow funds in the London interbank market in dollars for the relevant period, were it to do so by asking for and then accepting interbank offers for deposits in reasonable market size in that currency and for that period.

  • Daily Rate means the rate specified as such in the Reference Rate Terms.

  • 5-year Mid-Swap Rate means, in relation to a Reset Interest Period and the Reset Rate of Interest Determination Date in relation to such Reset Interest Period:

  • Mid-Swap Floating Leg Benchmark Rate means EURIBOR (if the Specified Currency is euro), LIBOR for the Specified Currency (if the Specified Currency is U.S. dollars, Pounds Sterling or Swiss Francs), CIBOR (if the Specified Currency is Danish Kroner), NIBOR (if the Specified Currency is Norwegian Kroner), STIBOR (if the Specified Currency is Swedish Kronor) or (in the case of any other Specified Currency) the benchmark rate most closely connected with such Specified Currency and selected by the Calculation Agent in its discretion after consultation with the Issuer;

  • Rate Period has the meaning set forth in the Statement.

  • U.S. Treasury Rate means, with respect to the Reset Date, the rate per annum equal to: (1) the average of the yields on actively traded U.S. Treasury securities adjusted to constant maturity, for one-year maturity, for the five business days immediately prior to the Reset Determination Date and appearing under the caption “Treasury constant maturities” at 5:00 p.m. (New York City time) on the Reset Determination Date in the applicable most recently published statistical release designated “H.15 Daily Update”, or any successor publication that is published by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System that establishes yields on actively traded U.S. Treasury securities adjusted to constant maturity, under the caption “Treasury Constant Maturities”, for the maturity of one year; or (2) if such release (or any successor release) is not published during the week immediately prior to the Reset Determination Date or does not contain such yields, the rate per annum equal to the semi-annual equivalent yield to maturity of the Comparable Treasury Issue, calculated using a price for the Comparable Treasury Issue (expressed as a percentage of its principal amount) equal to the Comparable Treasury Price for the Reset Date.

  • Mid-Market Swap Rate means for any Reset Period the mean of the bid and offered rates for the fixed leg payable with a frequency equivalent to the Original Mid-Swap Rate Basis (calculated on the day count basis customary for fixed rate payments in the Specified Currency as determined by the Calculation Agent) of a fixed-for-floating interest rate swap transaction in the Specified Currency which transaction (i) has a term equal to the relevant Reset Period and commencing on the relevant Reset Date, (ii) is in an amount that is representative for a single transaction in the relevant market at the relevant time with an acknowledged dealer of good credit in the swap market and (iii) has a floating leg based on the Mid-Swap Floating Leg Benchmark Rate for the Mid-Swap Maturity (as specified in the applicable Final Terms) (calculated on the day count basis customary for floating rate payments in the Specified Currency as determined by the Calculation Agent);

  • Accrual Yield means the rate specified as such in the applicable Final Terms; and

  • Alternative Currency Daily Rate means, for any day, with respect to any Credit Extension: