Examples of Regional activity in a sentence
Regional activity tables include all commitments made during the period covered, in terms of 'geographical' budget lines and 'thematic' ones.
Based on 2021 Horizon passenger enplanements on Regional aircraft, our most significant concentration of Regional activity was in Seattle and Portland.
Regional activity centers may include uses such as shopping centers, large-scale retailers and wholesalers, gas stations, hotels, and restaurants.
The aforesaid notwithstanding, Operator may elect to assign employees of Operator or any of its affiliates or of other hotels of Operator temporarily or permanently as full-time members of the executive staff of the Hotel and pay the compensation, including social benefits of such employees.
Regional activity centers are intended to provide for the goods and services needs of those passing through the Franklin area and traveling to Franklin for shopping and entertainment.
Regional activity centers are designed in recognition of Franklin’s role as a hub of commercial activity for some portions of Johnson County and its location along several major transportation routes.
Regional activity centers are designed to accommodate the needs of the automobile, however pedestrian travel should be integrated into this system through connections between individual businesses and with surrounding land uses.” 2.
Regional activity could be easily prepared under the auspices of IHO (EAtHC), where technical matters, training, and implementation of GMDSS are discussed and promoted.
Regional activity targets comprise core and ESIF funded activity, the latter spanning the Highlands and Islands and Lowlands and Uplands regions (for Perth and Kinross).
In accordance with Decision 52/7, UNEP has further regionalization CAP resources by affecting a net increase in the Regional activity budget lines, with a corresponding decrease in the share of the budget allocated to Paris.