Service Center Our mailing address shown in the Contract Specifications. We will notify you of any change in our mailing address.
Operational Services the operational services described as such in the Services Description;
Educational Services means educational training provided to Entitled Students at a School;
Recreational Services means (unless otherwise defined in this document) services that consist of participation in:
Professional Services means those services within the scope of the practice of architecture, professional engineering, landscape architecture, or registered surveying and mapping, as defined by the laws of Florida, or those services performed by any architect, professional engineer, landscape architect, or registered surveyor and mapper, in connection with the firm's or individual's professional employment or practice.
Multiphase professional services contract means a contract for the providing of professional
Nonprofessional services means any services not specifically identified as professional services in
Professional service means the same as defined under RCW 18.100.030.
Professional service or professional services means a professional service or professional services as defined in the Health Insurance Act 1973.
Personal Services means “the performance of any work or labor and shall also include acting as an independent contractor or providing any consulting advice or assistance, or otherwise acting as an agent pursuant to a contractual relationship.”
Commercial Services means any waste management service, relating or connected to accumulating, collecting, managing, recycling, sorting, storing, treating, transporting, disposing, buying or selling of waste or any other manner of handling waste excluding services rendered by the municipality;
Online Services means Microsoft-hosted services to which Customer subscribes under this Agreement. It does not include software and services provided under separate license terms.
Passenger Services means, those railway passenger services provided by or on behalf of the Beneficiary pursuant to the permission to use track granted in accordance with the Track Access Agreement;
Maritime cargo handling services means activities exercised by stevedore companies, including terminal operators, but not including the direct activities of dockers, when this workforce is organised independently of the stevedoring or terminal operator companies. The activities covered include the organisation and supervision of:
Optional Services means services that a USF Service Provider is authorized but not required to provide pursuant to the USF Services and Subsidy Agreement and any Licences held by a USF Service Provider;
Community support services means services authorized,
Number Portability Administration Center or "NPAC" means one (1) of the seven (7) regional number portability centers involved in the dissemination of data associated with ported numbers. The NPACs were established for each of the seven (7) original Xxxx Operating Company regions so as to cover the fifty (50) states, the District of Columbia and the U.S. territories in the North American Numbering Plan area. "Numbering Plan Area" or "NPA" is also sometimes referred to as an area code. It is a unique three-digit indicator that is defined by the "X," "X" and "C" digits of each 10-digit telephone number within the NANP. Each NPA contains 800 possible NXX Codes. There are two (2) general categories of NPA. "Geographic NPA" is associated with a defined geographic area and all telephone numbers bearing such NPA are associated with services provided within that geographic area. A "Non-Geographic NPA," also known as a "Service Access Code" (SAC Code), is typically associated with a specialized Telecommunications Service which may be provided across multiple geographic NPA areas; 500, Toll Free Service NPAs, 700, and 900 are examples of Non-Geographic NPAs. "NXX," "NXX Code," "Central Office Code," or "CO Code" is the three- (3)-digit Switch entity code which is defined by the "D," "E" and "F" digits of a ten- (10) digit telephone number within the NANP. "Operational Support Systems" or "OSS" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 12. "Optional Testing" is testing conducted by CenturyLink, at the request of CLEC, that is in lieu of testing CLEC should complete to isolate trouble to the CenturyLink network prior to submitting a trouble ticket to CenturyLink.
Detailed telecommunications billing service means an ancillary service of separately stating information pertaining to individual calls on a customer's billing statement.
Delivery services means those services provided by the
Transitional Services means services involving technical or specialized knowledge required to complete a project or to provide temporary consulting services to the City or the Agency.
Cemetery services means cremations, grave openings and closings, and installation of grave memorials.
Home health aide services means the personal care and maintenance activities provided to individuals for the purpose of promoting normal standards of health and hygiene.
Regional health planning agency means the regional agency, including the regional health planning
energy service means the physical benefit, utility or good derived from a combination of energy with energy-efficient technology or with action, which may include the operations, maintenance and control necessary to deliver the service, which is delivered on the basis of a contract and in normal circumstances has proven to result in verifiable and measurable or estimable energy efficiency improvement or primary energy savings;
Local Utility Services XOOM is an independent retail marketer of natural gas & electricity and is not affiliated with your local utility. Your local utility will continue to deliver your gas, read your meter, send you a bill, and make necessary repairs. Your local utility will also respond to emergencies and provide other basic utility services as required. XOOM Energy is not an agent of your local utility and your utility will not be liable for any of XOOM Energy’s acts, omissions, or representations. Price: Your rate for gas purchases will be a fixed price of $0.5990 per therm, plus taxes and fees, if applicable, and a monthly administrative fee of $2.99. You will continue to be responsible for all charges assessed and billed by your local utility for all services it provides, including any other fees or taxes specifically associated with services it continues to provide during the term of this Agreement, including transportation charges payable for Core Aggregation Service.
Office of the Interconnection Control Center means the equipment, facilities and personnel used by the Office of the Interconnection to coordinate and direct the operation of the PJM Region and to administer the PJM Interchange Energy Market, including facilities and equipment used to communicate and coordinate with the Market Participants in connection with transactions in the PJM Interchange Energy Market or the operation of the PJM Region.