Examples of Rendering in a sentence
Rendering of services When the outcome of a transaction involving the rendering of services can be estimated reliably, revenue associated with the transaction is recognised by reference to the stage of completion of the transaction at the reporting date.
Group Billing That Requires a Rendering Provider Individual providers within certain groups are required to be Medicaid certified because these groups are required to identify the provider who rendered the service on claims.
These categories include the following: ● Billing/rendering provider.● Rendering provider.● Group billing that requires a rendering provider.● Group billing that does not require a rendering provider.
Rendering ProviderCertification as a rendering provider is given to those providers who practice under the professional supervision of another provider (e.g., physician assistants).
Group Billing That Does Not Require a Rendering Provider Other groups (e.g., physician pathology, radiology groups, and rehabilitation agencies) are not required to indicate a rendering provider on claims.