Examples of Required provider in a sentence
The plan may provide that health agencies and other appro- priate State agencies furnish consulta- tion to other types of facilities if those facilities are specified in the plan and provide medical care to individuals re- ceiving services under the programs specified in paragraph (b) of this sec- tion.§ 431.107 Required provider agree- ment.(a) Basis and purpose.
Required provider participation:• Providers must attend designated County meetings and assign appropriate staff, as necessary.
Required provider participation: • Providers must attend designated County meetings and assign appropriate staff, as necessary.
Required provider types for well newborn nurseries include pediatricians, family physicians, nurse practitioners, and other advanced practice registered nurses (Halm et al., 2002).Level II; Special care nursery: Previously, Level II units were subdivided into 2 categories (level IIA & level IIB) on the basis of their ability to provide assisted ventilation including continuous positive airway pressure.
The approved private school will read and follow the associated federal regulations listed as follows for audits and required documentation: 42 CFR 431.107 Required provider agreement; 42 CFR 447.202 Audits; and 45 CFR 75.302 Financial management and standards for financial management systems.
Subpart C—Administrative Requirements: Provider Relations431.105 Consultation to medical facilities.431.107 Required provider agreement.431.108 Effective date of provider agree- ments.431.110 Participation by Indian Health Serv- ice facilities.431.115 Disclosure of survey information and provider or contractor evaluation.431.120 State requirements with respect to nursing facilities.
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