Examples of Reserve component of the United States Armed Forces in a sentence
Employees of the City shall be granted those rights to temporary leave for annual active duty for training in the National Guard or of any Reserve component of the United States Armed Forces as specified in the Oregon Revised Statutes.
Moreover, many of the socially vulnerable such as women and persons with disabilities are excluded from opportunities for capacity-building and employment.
Reserve training leave for inactive duty shall be granted to any employee who, as a member of a Reserve component of the United States Armed Forces, must perform inactive duty such as weekly or monthly meetings or weekend drills.
Madam Speaker, H.R. 1025 recognizes those retired from the National Guard and Reserve component of the United States Armed Forces by honoring them with the status of veterans under law.
Served as military personnel in the Reserve component of the United States Armed Forces and deemed on active duty under Executive Order 11519, signed March 23, 1970, 35 Federal Register 5003, dated March 24, 1970 and later designated by the United States Department of Defense as Operation Graphic Hand, and who was discharged or released therefrom under honorable conditions.
Served as military personnel in the Reserve component of the United States Armed Forces and deemed on active duty under Executive Order 11519, signed March 23, 1970, 35 Federal Register 5003, dated March 24, 1970, and later designated by the United States Department of Defense as "Operation Graphic Hand," and whowas discharged or released therefrom under honorable conditions.
A Regular Full-Time employee of the City who is a member of the National Guard or Reserve component of the United States Armed Forces and is engaged in authorized training or training duty shall be granted military leave to a maximum of fifteen days per federal fiscal year (October 1 – September 30) without loss of pay.
Flasher outputs and connections for transfer relays shall be provided and terminated on terminal blocks for programming of flash 1 or flash 2 outputs.