Examples of Residential community in a sentence
This fee is managed by Residential Life on behalf of the Residents to support the development and execution of activities, programs and events within the Residential community, which may be delivered in person or remotely, as determined in collaboration with Residential Life.
Residential community members and residential student groups may post materials with the permission of the Residence Life staff member for their area.
Residential community development is occurring throughout the WUI in a mix of high-density, single-family, and multi-acre parcels.
Residential community acreages were calculated to take into account all possible community types within the Permit Area.
Take into account in visitation policies, discipline policies and policy statements the positiveeffects visitation and telephone contact can often have in 1) supporting offenders’ efforts to change, 2) improving their prospects for reentry, and 3) improving their children’s and families’ well-‐being.o Residential community prison-‐diversionary programs for mothers and infants could be expanded.
Residential community centers for the benefit of residents of the park.
In addition, if properly implemented the database would help VBA overcome current internal system restrictions on sharing information between other VA programs (loan guaranty, education, health care, etc.) and would contribute significantly to the effective implementation of the Government Performance and Results Act’s (GPRA) requirement for objective program performance measures.
Residential community development is occurring throughout the WUI in a mix of high- density, single-family, and multiacre parcels.
Residential community public spaces are not available to campus clubs, organizations, or departments without expressed permission by UCR Housing Administration.
BBVCC is a designated Urban Residential community located within unincorporated Whatcom County, therefore Whatcom County Urban Residential Building Code applies and, when more restrictive, supersedes the AR&R.