Examples of Retail Sale Price in a sentence
Message ID CACHI01 (Part 8/24)Message Description RSPFrom Customs House Agent/ ImporterTo CustomsSegment Tag <TABLE>RSP Sr. No. Field Description Field Type Length Final Amend- Supple- Delete Ex-Bond SEZ Note: Items for which Retail Sale Price has to be given, are to be mentioned in this table.
Entry #1 Title: Subject: Medium: Check Work Type: (3D) (2D) (Photo/Graphic) (Other) Dimensions: (height) (width) (depth) (weight) Opening Bid Price: $ Retail Sale Price: $ Please indicate: 50/50% donation.
The output is also well defined—the flow of treated water per day or year.
Artist Statement: Entry #2 Title: Subject: Medium: Check Work Type: (3D) (2D) (Photo/Graphic) (Other) Dimensions: (height) (width) (depth) (weight) Opening Bid Price: $ Retail Sale Price : $ Please indicate: 50/50% donation.
The Assignment Price for an Installment Contract will be equal to: the Net Retail Sale Price of the ESP Contract related to the Installment Contract, less the IPP Administration Fee for the Installment Contract (as specified in Attachment 2).