Examples of Rock crushing in a sentence
Rock crushing activities which result in the loss of natural drainage characteristics, the reduction of water storage and recharge capabilities, or the overburden of natural water filtration capacities do not constitute plowing.
Rock crushing operations must conform to the following specifications: Operations and placement of oversize material must be conducted in or near the rock source site, as approved in writing by the Contract Administrator.
Rock crushing activities which result in the loss of natural drainage characteristics, the reduction of water storage and recharge capabili- ties, or the overburden of natural water filtration capacities do not con- stitute plowing.
Rock crushing operations, blasting, drilling, screening, heavy equipment and associated repairs and fueling are permitted.
Rock crushing shall be limited to periods when weather conditions are acceptable to STATE.
Rock crushing plants and concrete batching plants can also have impacts on sensitive receptors located downwind of the sites if the plants are too close to the urban areas.
Rock crushing operations must be a minimum of one thousand three hundred twenty feet from any city, town or residential use.
Rock crushing activity shall only occur between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm (Monday through Friday); no rock crushing activities shall occur on Saturday or Sunday.
Rock crushing mitigation plan (if rock crushing is proposed), including a discussion of alternatives to on‐site crushing; a description of crushing activities, methods and schedules.
Rock- crushing, some casual work in local town and some agricultural labour on other people’s land(planting/harvesting).Civil servant (guard, cleaner or teacher) or a member of the family is a Peshmerga.Trading in agricultural goods.