Sacrificial anode system definition

Sacrificial anode system means a method of corro- sion protection that generates cathodic current from the galvanic corrosion of an expendable anode which is more electrochemi- cally active than the structure being protected.
Sacrificial anode system means a system to control corrosion of a metal surface which entails installing an electrode of an electrochemical cell that will oxidize preferentially to the metal surface that has been made the cathode of the electrochemical cell.
Sacrificial anode system means a method of corrosion protection that generates cathodic current from the galvanic corrosion of an expendable anode which is more electrochemically active than the structure being protected.

Examples of Sacrificial anode system in a sentence

  • Sacrificial anode system Impressed current systemThe federal UST regulation requires corrosion protection to help prevent your USTs from releasing product into the environment.

  • Sacrificial anode system Impressed current systemFederal UST regulation requires corrosion protection for underground tanks and underground piping that are in contact with the ground and routinely contain product.

  • Sacrificial anode system Impressed current systemTo prevent leaks and/or releases, all parts of your UST system that are in contact with the ground and routinely contain product must be protected from corrosion.

Related to Sacrificial anode system

  • E-System means any electronic system approved by Agent, including Intralinks® and ClearPar® and any other Internet or extranet-based site, whether such electronic system is owned, operated or hosted by Agent, any of its Related Persons or any other Person, providing for access to data protected by passcodes or other security system.

  • Sexual assault has the same meaning as in RCW 70.125.030.

  • Artificial intelligence or “AI” means technology that can make decisions, create predictions,

  • The System means an electronic control system or complex electronic control system that provides or forms part of the control transmission of a function to which this Regulation applies. This also includes any other system covered in the scope of this Regulation, as well as transmission links to or from other systems that are outside the scope of this Regulation, that acts on a function to which this Regulation applies."

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