Savings Certificates definition
Examples of Savings Certificates in a sentence
National Savings Certificates and any other script/ instrument under National Savings Schemes for promotion of small savings issued by a Post Office in Rajasthan, if the same can be pledged under the relevant rules.
Directed Obligations of the UK refers to the following list of Securities issued and guaranteed by the United Kingdom Treasury: Premium Savings Bonds, Index Linked Savings Certificates, Fixed Interest Savings Certificates, Guaranteed Equity Bonds, Capital Bonds, Children’s Bonus Bonds, Fixed Rate Savings Bonds, Income Bonds, and Pensioners Guaranteed Income Bonds.
Non-negotiable money means crossed warrants, crossed cheques, crossed giro drafts, crossed postal and money orders, crossed bankers' drafts, crossed National Girobank, cash, cheques, premium bonds, savings bonds, stamped National Insurance cards, National Savings Certificates, VAT purchase invoices, and credit card sales vouchers all belonging to you or for which you have accepted responsibility.
Non-negotiable money means crossed warrants crossed cheques crossed giro drafts crossed postal and money orders crossed bankers' drafts crossed National Girobank cash cheques premium bonds savings bonds stamped National Insurance cards National Savings Certificates VAT purchase invoices and credit card sales vouchers all belonging to you or for which you have accepted responsibility.
The other form of security money shall be Post-office Savings Bank Pass Book duly pledged or National Savings Certificates, Defence Savings Certificates.
Fixed Deposit Receipt issued by Scheduled Banks/ Public Financial Institutions as defined in the Companies Act (FDR should be in the name of the Contractor, a/c BHEL) Securities available from Indian Post offices such as National Savings Certificates, Kisan Vikas Patras etc.
About your capital (by capital, we mean money you have in bank and building society accounts, current accounts, post office accounts, Internet accounts, National Savings Certificates, stocks, shares, bonds, Premium Bonds, PEPs, ISAs, cash and any other savings or investments).
We may need to see several of these documents for each person.Evidence of National Insurance numberSuch as a National Insurance number card, payslips or letters from social security or the tax office.Evidence of savings, investments and propertySuch as all your bank, building society or post office books, full bank statements, or certificates for premium bonds, National Savings Certificates, ISAs, Tessas, stocks, shares and unit trusts.
Remittance through online SBI-State Bank Collect.2. Pay Order, Demand Draft in favour of BHEL Trichy.3. Local cheques of scheduled banks, subject to realization.4. Securities available from Post Offices such as National Savings Certificates, Kisan Vikas Patras etc.
Securities available from Post Offices such as National Savings Certificates, Kisan Vikas Patras etc.