SBC ILLINOIS definition
Examples of SBC ILLINOIS in a sentence
As used herein, SBC ILLINOIS means Illinois Bell Telephone Company d/b/a SBC Illinois, the applicable SBC-owned ILEC doing business in Illinois.
Estimated charges will be based on an average of the actual monthly service provided by SBC ILLINOIS pursuant to this Schedule prior to its termination.
SBC ILLINOIS – An initial non-recurring charge applies per brand, per Operator Assistance Switch, per trunk group for the establishment of CLEC specific branding.
Where SBC ILLINOIS is only providing OS on behalf of CLEC, the calls will be branded.
SBC ILLINOIS will provide the fibers associated with the “working” side of the system.
In addition, a per call charge applies for every OS call handled by SBC ILLINOIS on behalf of CLEC when such services are provided in conjunction with the purchase of SBC ILLINOIS unbundled local switching.
In addition, a per call charge applies for every DA call handled by SBC ILLINOIS on behalf of CLEC when such services are provided in conjunction with the purchase of SBC ILLINOIS unbundled local switching.
As of the effective date of this Agreement, if CLEC has already fulfilled its requirement to subscribe to SBC’s OS/DA services for a twelve month period, or anytime after CLEC has met the twelve (12) month period, CLEC may terminate use of SBC ILLINOIS OS/DA services upon one hundred-twenty (120) days advance written notice to SBC ILLINOIS.
Where SBC ILLINOIS is only providing DA service on behalf of CLEC, the calls will be branded.
SBC ILLINOIS shall xxxx XXXX the applicable rates on a monthly basis, in accordance with the Pricing Schedule.