School Superintendent definition
Examples of School Superintendent in a sentence
Any Modification that increases the Contract Sum by more than $50,000 or that causes total expenditures for the Contract to exceed the amount budgeted for the Contract may only be made with the specific approval of the School Superintendent.
The committee shall be composed of two (2) teachers, two (2) classified personnel appointed by the Association President, and two (2) members appointed by the School Superintendent.
Led by State School Superintendent Chris Reykdal, OSPI works with the State’s two hundred and ninety-five (295) school districts to administer basic education programs and implement education reform on behalf of more than one million public school students.
Any employee convicted for a violation occurring in the workplace must notify the District School Superintendent of any criminal drug statute conviction in the workplace no later than five (5) days after the conviction.
The Pembroke Pines City Manager serves as the School Superintendent.
Any employee convicted for a violation occurring in the work place must notify the District School Superintendent of any criminal drug statute conviction in the work place no later than five (5) days after the conviction.
Step 3 If the grievance has not been settled in Step Two, and the School's answer is not satisfactory to the Union, the Union may appeal in writing to the School Superintendent within five (5) working days.
The School Superintendent and the County Sheriff or their designees shall endeavor to resolve any difficulties or questions by negotiation.
Within ten (10) working days thereafter, the School Superintendent or his representative will meet with an Business Representative of the Union and the Union Committee for the purpose of discussing the grievance.
Any employee convicted for a violation occurring in the workplace must notify the District School Superintendent of any criminal drug statute conviction in the work place no later than five (5) days after the conviction.