Second Vehicle definition
Examples of Second Vehicle in a sentence
Second, Vehicle Regulation No. 157 Automated Lane Keeping System (ALKS) is expected to be amended in June 2022 to allow speeds up to 130km/h.
The Toronto and East York Community Council, at its meeting of June 10, 2008, deferred consideration of the report entitled “Front Yard Parking Appeal for a Second Vehicle- 84 Waverley Road” and requested the Manager of Right of Way Management, in consultation with the Director, Urban Forestry and City Forester, to work with the applicant to create a more acceptable soft landscape plan, including addressing the issue of the curb cut.
Faculty/Staff Second Vehicle Permit Members of the University community who have multiple family members working or attending classes at the University must purchase a second permit at full price.
Figure 7-2 Side Street or Protected Left-Turn Detection - First Vehicle Stop Bar Detection Figure 7-3 Protected/Permissive Left-Turn Detection - Second Vehicle Setback Detection Figure 7-4 Protected/Permissive Left-Turn Detection - Third Vehicle Setback Detection If there is more than one detector, for example, one setback loop has a leading edge 100 metres from the stop bar and the second loop has a leading edge 7.5 metres from the stop bar, then the 100 metres value is entered.
These correspond to five different filament currents and therefore temperatures.
The Toronto and East York Community Council had before it a report (January 11, 2006) from the Manager, Right of Way Management, Transportation Services, Toronto and East York District, respecting Request for an Exemption from Chapter 248 of the Former City of Toronto Municipal Code to Permit Driveway Widening for a Second Vehicle at 318 Forman Avenue (Ward 22 – St. Paul’s), and recommending that City Council deny the application for driveway widening for a second vehicle at 318 Forman Avenue.
Permits reported stolen can be replaced at the $5.00 fee if a theft report has been filed with University Police.Faculty/Staff Second Vehicle Permit Members of the University community who have multiple family members working or attending classes at the University must purchase a second permit at full price.
Augmentation of Second Launch pad (ASLP) Gas system facilities consist of Second Launch Pad- Umbilical Tower (SLP-UT) , Gas Storage Building (CGSS- SLP), Cryo preparation Building (CPB), Stage Preparation Facilities [L110/L40 service Building, Vehicle assembly Building (VAB), Solid Stage Assembly Building (SSAB) and Second Vehicle assembly building (SVAB)], New LOX and NSS Storage, Isrosene facility, existing UH-25 facility, ACOSS Tower located in front of SLP-UT, Mobile Launch Pedestal (MLP).
Request for an Exemption from Chapter 248 of the Former City of Toronto Municipal Code to Permit Driveway Widening for a Second Vehicle at 318 Forman Avenue (Ward 22 – St. Paul’s) 21(a).
The Toronto and East York Community Council had before it a report (January 11, 2006) from the Manager, Right of Way Management, Transportation Services, Toronto and East York District, respecting a Request for an Exemption from Chapter 248 of the Former City of Toronto Municipal Code to Permit Driveway Widening for a Second Vehicle at 318 Forman Avenue (Ward 22 – St. Paul’s), and recommending that City Council deny the application for driveway widening for a second vehicle at 318 Forman Avenue.