Used vehicle definition

Used vehicle means a Vehicle other than a New Vehicle.
Used vehicle means any vehicle which has been sold,
Used vehicle means any vehicle which has been sold, bargained, exchanged or given away, or used to the extent that it has become what is commonly known, and generally recognized, as a “secondhand” vehicle. This shall also include any vehicle other than a remanufactured vehicle, regardless of age, owned by any person who is not a dealer;

Examples of Used vehicle in a sentence

  • For a Used Vehicle, We will, at our sole discretion and pursuant to this Guarantee, clean, dye, polish, detail or repair the damaged portion of the Treated Surfaces, and only the damaged portion of the Treated Surfaces, to the extent possible, at no charge to You.

More Definitions of Used vehicle

Used vehicle means any vehicle driven more than the limited use nec- essary in moving or road testing a new vehicle prior to delivery to a consumer, but does not include any vehicle sold only for scrap or parts (title documents surrendered to the State and a salvage certificate issued).
Used vehicle means a motor vehicle which has been sold, bargained, exchanged, given away, or the title to which has been transferred to another, by the person who first acquired it from the manufacturer or importer, dealer, or agent of the manufacturer or importer.
Used vehicle means any Vehicle held for sale by a Dealer that is determined to be a "used" Vehicle in accordance with the Servicer's standard wholesale servicing practices.
Used vehicle means a motor vehicle which has been sold, bargained, exchanged,
Used vehicle means a motor vehicle that has been sold, bargained, exchanged, or given away, or has had the title transferred from the person who first took title from the manufacturer or importer, dealer, or agent of the manufacturer or importer, or has been so used as to have become what is commonly known as a second hand motor vehicle. A motor vehicle that has been used by a dealer for the purpose of demonstration to prospective customers shall be considered a “used vehicle” if such demonstration use has been for more than one thousand five hundred miles.
Used vehicle means any vehicle which is not a "new vehicle", a "demonstrator vehicle" or a "rollback vehicle" as defined in the three preceding sentences.
Used vehicle means a Program Vehicle and any other Vehicle that is not a New Vehicle.