water supplier means the company supplying water in the water supply zone, whether a water undertaker or licensed water supplier;
licensed water supplier means a company which is the holder for the time being of a water supply licence under Section 17A(1) of the 1991 Act(f);
Water Supply Any problem with water supply? Yes No Unknown Comments: Home water treatment system: Yes No Unknown Comments: Fire sprinkler system: Yes No Unknown Does Not Apply Comments: Are the systems in operating condition? Yes No Unknown Comments:
Auxiliary Water Supply means any water supply on or available to the premises other than the water purveyor's approved public water supply such as, but not limited to, a private well, pond or river.
Water supply system means a water distribution system, piping, connection fittings, valves and appurtenances within a building, structure, or premises. Water supply systems are also referred to commonly as premise plumbing systems.
Public water supply means all mains, pipes and structures through which water is obtained and distributed to the public, including wells and well structures, intakes and cribs, pumping stations, treatment plants, reservoirs, storage tanks and appurtenances, collectively or severally, actually used or intended for use for the purpose of furnishing water for drinking or general domestic use and which serve at least 15 service connections or which regularly serve at least 25 persons at least 60 days per year. A public water supply is either a "community water supply" or a "non-community water supply".
Public water supply system means a system for the provision to the public of piped water for human consumption, if the system has at least fifteen service connections or regularly serves at least twenty-five individuals. The term includes any source of water and any collection, treatment, storage, and distribution facilities under control of the operator of the system and used primarily in connection with the system, and any collection or pretreatment storage facilities not under such control which are used primarily in connection with the system.
Secondary line means any single or multiphase electric power line operating at nominal voltage less than either 2,000 volts between ungrounded conductors or 1,155 volts between grounded and ungrounded conductors, regardless of the functional service provided by the line.
Contractor/Supplier means the person or company whose tender is accepted by the Purchaser and shall be deemed to include the Contractor’s successors, heirs, executors, administrators, representatives and assigns approved by the Purchaser.
Other Supplier means any supplier to the Customer (other than the Supplier) which is notified to the Supplier from time to time and/or of which the Supplier should have been aware;
Former Supplier a supplier supplying services to the Customer before the Relevant Transfer Date that are the same as or substantially similar to the Services (or any part of the Services) and shall include any sub-contractor of such supplier (or any sub-contractor of any such sub-contractor);
Peer support specialist means an individual who has experienced a severe and persistent mental illness and who has successfully completed standardized training to provide peer support services through the medical assistance program or the Iowa Behavioral Health Care Plan.
Secondary Seller means the Seller whose Bid City selected as a back-up supplier in the event the Primary Seller is unable to provide all the Goods and/or Services required.
Weapons system supplier means any prime contractor or first tier subcontractor engaged in, or having a known prospective interest in the development, production or analysis of any of the weapon systems, as well as any major component or subassembly of such system.
Ethanol blended gasoline means the same as defined in section 214A.1.
service supplier means any person that supplies a service;
Secondary dose monitoring system means a system which will terminate irradiation in the event of failure of the primary dose monitoring system.
Gas supplier means a person that is duly licensed pursuant to
Specialty contractor means a person who is licensed to conduct business as described in subsection 4 of NRS 624.215.
Cannabis processing facility means a person that:
Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel means diesel fuel that has a sulfur content of no more than fifteen parts per million.
Key Sub-Contractor means any Sub-Contractor: listed in Framework Schedule 7 (Key Sub-Contractors); which, in the opinion of the Authority and the Customer, performs (or would perform if appointed) a critical role in the provision of all or any part of the Services; and/or with a Sub-Contract with a contract value which at the time of appointment exceeds (or would exceed if appointed) 10% of the aggregate Call Off Contract Charges forecast to be payable under this Call Off Contract;
Secondary Systems means control or power circuits that operate below 600 volts, AC or DC, including, but not limited to, any hardware, control or protective devices, cables, conductors, electric raceways, secondary equipment panels, transducers, batteries, chargers, and voltage and current transformers.
Fuel supplier means an entity supplying fuel to the market that is responsible for passing fuel through an excise duty point or, in the case of electricity or where no excise is due or where duly justified, any other relevant entity designated by a Member State;
Generator Operator means the Person that Operates the Generating Facility and performs the functions of supplying electric energy and interconnected operations services within the meaning of the NERC Reliability Standards.
Extended Summer Resource Price Adder means, for Delivery Years through May 31, 2018, an addition to the marginal value of Unforced Capacity as necessary to reflect the price of Annual Resources and Extended Summer Demand Resources required to meet the applicable Minimum Extended Summer Resource Requirement.