Examples of Sectional Title Act in a sentence
The SELLER warrants that Section 10 of the Sectional Title Act is not applicable to the transaction.
You are, however, still responsible for ensuring that the property is insured for the full replacement value as stipulated by the Sectional Title Act as amended.
As such, the identities of all clients are to be confirmed and verified and clients’ details are screened against lists published by the Financial Intelligence Centre and where necessary, the information is shared with the FIC;• The Deeds Registry Act 1937 and Sectional Title Act 95 of 1986 which both require full descriptions of the parties and property related to the transaction and all information lodged at the Deeds Office becomes public record.
In the event of the Property being part of a sectional title complex then the attention of the Purchaser is drawn to the fact that the original developer of the Sectional Title Complex of which the Unit herein purchased forms a part, has reserved to himself in terms of Section 25 of the Sectional Title Act, the right to erect and complete a further building or buildings or extensions to existing building/s upon the common Property.
Body Corporates of the Sectional Title Schemes are governed by the Sectional Title Act: a national statute that applies to the formation and operations of all sectional title developments, also makes provision for 'exclusive use rights' in terms of which the owner of a section, who is also the co‐owner of all of the scheme's common property, may enjoy the benefits of an arrangement with the other co‐owners that s/he alone will have the right to use a specified part of the common property.
The South African Sectional Title Act has adopted a unique twofold basis for calculation of the co-ownership share of a unit.
In the event of the property being part of a sectional title complex then the attention of the Purchaser is drawn to the fact that the original developer of the sectional title complex of which the unit herein purchased forms a part, has reserved to himself in terms of Section 25 of the Sectional Title Act, the right to erect and complete a further building or buildings or extensions to existing building/s upon the common property.
In instances where the selling price is greater than the EEDBS, any balance remaining must be financed, by using the beneficiaries own resources, which may include mortgage loans.▪ Multiple units: In respect of Multiple Units (flats, cluster homes and row houses) Public sector owners must be realistic about the possibility of any block being suitable for making a sectional title offer and must be in line with the Sectional Title Act.
Portion / Erf of Erf must first be removed from the Sectional Title Scheme and must then revert to the conventional land register by means of a Deed of Transfer, in accordance with the provision of Section 17 of the Sectional Title Act.
In the event of the Property being part of a sectional title complex then the attention of the Purchaser is drawn to the fact that the original developer of the Sectional Title Complex of which the Unit herein purchased forms a part, has reserved to himself in terms of Section 25 of the Sectional Title Act, the right to erect and complete a further building or buildings or extensions to existing building/s upon the common property.