Seeding definition

Seeding means the sowing of seed and placement of seedlings to produce farm or forest crops and includes the placement of soil beds for seeds or seedlings on established farm and forest lands.
Seeding means the system to ensure that the Competition may have a better-balanced level of difficulty by keeping the best Boxers from facing off in the preliminaries of the Competition;
Seeding means the system to ensure the competition Official Draw may have a better balanced competition schedule in order to maintain its attractiveness in competition;

Examples of Seeding in a sentence

  • If adjacent to crop land or golf course, replace the Sericea Lespedeza with Kentucky 31 Fescue.Subsection: Part:Revision:212.03.03 Permanent Seeding and Protection.B) Procedures for Permanent Seeding.

  • Delete the first sentence of the section.Subsection: Part: Revision:212.03.03 Permanent Seeding and Protection.B) Procedures for Permanent Seeding.Replace the second and third sentence of the section with the following:Prepare a seedbed and apply an initial fertilizer that contains a minimum of 100 pounds of nitrogen, 100 pounds of phosphate, and 100 pounds of potash per acre.

  • When required, place agricultural limestone at a rate of 3 tons per acre.Subsection: Part:Revision:212.03.03 Permanent Seeding and Protection.D) Top Dressing.Change the title of part to D) Fertilizer.Subsection: Part: Revision:212.03.03 Permanent Seeding and Protection.D) Fertilizer.Replace the first paragraph with the following:Apply fertilizer at the beginning of the seeding operation and after vegetation is established.

  • Material for Seeding and Protection shall be Seed Mixture Type I and conform to theStandard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction.

  • When required, place agricultural limestone at a rate of 3 tons per acre.Subsection:Part: Revision:212.03.03 Permanent Seeding and Protection.D) Top Dressing.Change the title of part to D) Fertilizer.Subsection: Part: Revision:212.03.03 Permanent Seeding and Protection.D) Fertilizer.Replace the first paragraph with the following:Apply fertilizer at the beginning of the seeding operation and after vegetation is established.

More Definitions of Seeding

Seeding means the sowing of seedand placement of seedlings to produce farm, ranch, or forest crops and in- cludes the placement of soil beds for seeds or seedlings on established farm and forest lands.(2) Maintenance, including emer- gency reconstruction of recently dam- aged parts, of currently serviceable structures such as dikes, dams, levees, groins, riprap, breakwaters, causeways, bridge abutments or approaches, and transportation structures. Mainte- nance does not include any modifica- tion that changes the character, scope, or size of the original fill design. Emer- gency reconstruction must occur with- in a reasonable period of time after damage occurs in order to qualify for this exemption.
Seeding means the sowing of seed or placement of seedlings to produce crops or other agricultural products.
Seeding means the system to ensure that the competition’s Official Draw may have a better balanced competition schedule in order to maintain attractiveness of the competition;
Seeding means an amount allocated by the Approved Entity to a wagering pool for a specified bet type on a GRV greyhound race during the relevant month which does not have any associated Betting Transactions and does not relate to a jackpot.
Seeding means the sowing of seed or place- ment of seedlings to produce crops or other agricultural products.
Seeding means the so w ing of seed or placement of seedlings to produce crops or other agricultural products.
Seeding means using revenue from the general sales of regular and special games at a bingo event to fund the prize of another bingo game.