Self-funded definition

Self-funded means that plan benefits and costs are funded from contributions made by or on behalf of participants and trust fund investment revenue.
Self-funded means the benefits payable on behalf of you and your dependents are paid from a combination of the general assets of Sprint and employee contributions. Any dividends, subsidies, credits or refunds that may become payable under a Sprint Plan or as a result of Employer providing benefits will not be assets of a Sprint Plan but will be the property of the Employer, unless otherwise required by applicable law.
Self-funded with respect to certain clinical trial, shall mean funded out ofXTL own resources, and for the purpose thereof shall include, but not be limited to (1) philanthropic funding received by a non Affiliated third party, (2)funding received by way of cash and/or cash equivalent received by XTL from a non Affiliated third party in return for the issuances of XTL securities, (3) grants received from governmental authorities, all of which provided such funding does not involve granting of any rights which can be considered a sublicense under the License.

More Definitions of Self-funded

Self-funded means a student who will be paying Us for the whole or any part of their University programme utilising their own resources.
Self-funded. A program in which Members agree to fully fund the operations of the Health Trust.
Self-funded means that an employer uses the insurance to process and pay claims and the insurer charges back the exact cost plus a profit for that service
Self-funded permissively uninsured, means funds and reserves established by the
Self-funded means that the multiple employer welfare arrangement is covered by stop- loss insurance as defined at N.J.S.A. 17B:27A-17 or N.J.A.C. 11:4-40.2, as applicable, and that the group retains risk for all losses below the limits of the stop-loss insurance.
Self-funded means that the Company, on behalf of the Plan, has the sole responsibility to pay, and provide funds, to pay for all Plan benefits. Contract Administrator has no liability or responsibility to provide these funds.
Self-funded. . This means that each medical claim is paid directly by Farmington Public