Senior Loan Obligations definition

Senior Loan Obligations means, collectively, (1) all Term Loan Agreement Obligations and (2) all Revolving Credit Agreement Obligations.
Senior Loan Obligations means (a) the principal of each loan made under the Senior Credit Agreement, (b) all reimbursement and cash collateralization obligations in respect of letters of credit issued under the Senior Credit Agreement, (c) all monetary obligations of the Borrower or any Subsidiary under each Senior Hedging Agreement entered into (i) prior to the Original Restatement Effective Date with any counterparty that was a Senior Lender (or an Affiliate thereof) on the Original Restatement Effective Date or (ii) on or after the Original Restatement Effective Date with any counterparty that was a Senior Lender (or an Affiliate thereof) at the time such Senior Hedging Agreement was entered into, (d) all interest on the loans, letter of credit reimbursement, fees and other obligations under the Senior Credit Agreement or such Senior Hedging Agreements (including, without limitation any interest which accrues after the commencement of any case, proceeding or other action relating to the bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization of the Borrower, any Subsidiary Loan Party, Holdings or any of its subsidiaries, whether or not allowed or allowable as a claim in such proceeding), (e) all other amounts payable by the Borrower or any Subsidiary under the Senior Loan Documents and (f) all increases, renewals, extensions and Refinancings of the foregoing.
Senior Loan Obligations as of any date shall mean any and all of the obligations of the Senior Borrowers (i) to repay the balance of the Senior Loans then outstanding (including future advances), including accrued and unpaid interest thereon, (ii) to pay or otherwise perform or satisfy all of the other amounts to be paid and obligations to be performed or otherwise satisfied by any Senior Borrower under any Senior Loan Document (whether individually, jointly, severally or otherwise), (iii) to pay or otherwise perform or satisfy all of the other amounts to be paid and obligations to be performed or otherwise satisfied by any Senior Borrower under any interest rate protection, foreign currency exchange, or other interest or exchange rate swap or hedging agreement or arrangement (whether individually, jointly, severally or otherwise) with the Senior Lender or any of its Affiliates, and (iv) to pay or otherwise satisfy any and all overdrafts of any Senior Borrower honored by the Senior Lender (in its sole and absolute discretion) and other indebtedness, liabilities or obligations (whether under any note, guaranty or other instrument or document or otherwise) now or hereafter owed to the Senior Lender by any Senior Borrower (whether individually, jointly, severally or otherwise), together with accrued and unpaid interest thereon; in each case including, without limitation, any and all interest, fees and other amounts accrued, accruing or otherwise applicable during the pendency of any Bankruptcy Proceeding, irrespective of whether such interest, fees and other amounts are allowed or allowable as claims in any such proceeding.

Examples of Senior Loan Obligations in a sentence

  • Further, in reliance upon, among other things, such adequate protection, the Pre-Petition Senior Secured Parties have consented to the priming of Pre-Petition Senior Loan Obligations.

  • Repayment of the Pre-Petition Senior Loan Obligations Should Be Approved.

  • Furthermore, pursuant to the Intercreditor Agreement, the UMEZ Loan Obligations and the Building Loan Obligations are subordinated in right of payment to the Prepetition Senior Loan Obligations.

  • For the avoidance of doubt, if Subordinate Lender receives any payment, whether in cash or other property, as a result of an Enforcement Action Against Collateral, such payment shall be deemed received in trust for Senior Lender, and Subordinate Lender shall promptly deliver such payment to Senior Lender in accordance with the provisions of Section 10 hereof, until the Senior Loan Obligations have been Paid In Full.

  • During the existence of any Event of Default, the Senior Agent shall at the request of the Majority Senior Lenders declare by written notice to the Borrower the outstanding principal amount of the Notes, all accrued but unpaid interest thereon, and all other Senior Loan Obligations to be immediately due and payable.

More Definitions of Senior Loan Obligations

Senior Loan Obligations means (a) the principal of each Loan made under this Agreement, (b) all reimbursement and cash collateralization obligations in respect of letters of credit issued under this Agreement, (c) all Senior Loan Bank Product Liabilities, (d) all interest on the loans, letter of credit reimbursement, fees, indemnification and other obligations under this Agreement, or with respect to such Senior Loan Bank Product Liabilities (including, without limitation, any interest, fees and other amounts which accrue after the commencement of any case, proceeding or other action relating to a Bankruptcy Proceeding of the Borrower or any Subsidiary Loan Party, whether or not allowed or allowable, in whole or in part, as a claim in such Bankruptcy Proceeding), (e) all other amounts payable by the Borrower or any Subsidiary under the Senior Loan Documents or in respect of Senior Loan Bank Product Liabilities and (f) all increases, renewals, extensions and Refinancings of the foregoing.
Senior Loan Obligations means (a) the principal of each loan made under the Senior Credit Facility, (b) all reimbursement and cash collateralization obligations in respect of letters of credit issued under the Senior Credit Facility, (c) all monetary obligations of the Company or any Subsidiary under each Senior Hedging Agreement (as defined in the Senior Credit Facility) entered into (x) prior to September 30, 2005 with any counterparty that was a Senior Lender (or an Affiliate thereof) on September 30, 2005 or (y) on or after September 30, 2005 with any counterparty that was a Senior Lender (or an Affiliate thereof) at the time such Senior Hedging Agreement was entered into, (d) all interest on the loans, letter of credit reimbursement, fees and other obligations under the Senior Credit Facility or such Senior Hedging Agreements (including, without limitation, any interest which accrues after the commencement of any case, proceeding or other action relating to the bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization of the Company or any Subsidiary Guarantor, whether or not allowed or allowable as a claim in such proceeding), (e) all other amounts payable by the Company or any Subsidiary under the Senior Debt Documents and (f) all increases, renewals, extensions and refinancings of the foregoing.
Senior Loan Obligations means all present and future indebtedness, obligations and liabilities of Borrower under the Senior Loan Documents, including (a) all principal (including principal which is borrowed, repaid and reborrowed), interest (including interest accruing subsequent to, and interest that would have accrued but for, the filing of any petition under any bankruptcy, insolvency or similar law or the commencement of any Proceeding), default interest, late charges, prepayment fees, expenses, fees, reimbursement obligations relating to Senior Lender’s issuance or execution of standby letters of credit or developer’s agreements pertaining to the Property or surrounding properties, other reimbursements, interest rate swaps, collars or other interest rate protection agreements that Borrower may enter into with Senior Lender pertaining to the Senior Loan, indemnities and other amounts payable thereunder, in each case whether now or hereafter arising, direct or indirect, primary or secondary, joint, several or joint and several, liquidated or unliquidated, final or contingent, and whether incurred as maker, endorser or otherwise; (b) all indebtedness arising from all present and future optional or obligatory advances (including advances to cover overdrafts that pertain to the Property) under the Senior Note or any other Senior Loan Document, (c) any and all amendments, modifications, extensions, renewals, refinancing or refundings of any of such indebtedness, obligations or liabilities, and (d) any and all sums advanced or expended by Senior Lender (whether deemed optional or obligatory advances, or otherwise) which Senior Lender deems necessary or appropriate (1) to advance or complete construction of the Property and any Improvements and market the Property or any portion thereof for sale, (2) to repair, maintain or otherwise protect the Property and any Improvements or to prevent waste or destruction or to pay or prevent liens or to defend Borrower’s title or Senior Lender’s lien priority, (3) to pay taxes, assessments or insurance premiums in respect of the Property or any Improvements or to otherwise protect Senior Lender’s security interest in the Property, any Improvements and any other Collateral, or (4) in connection with Senior Lender’s protection or exercise of its rights or remedies under the Senior Loan Documents. To the extent any payment on any of the Senior Loan Obligations, whether by or on behalf of Borrower, as proceeds of security or enforcement of any right...
Senior Loan Obligations means all principal, interest, fees, reimbursements, indemnifications, and other amounts or obligations now or hereafter owed or performable by the Senior Loan Parties under the Senior Loan Documents.
Senior Loan Obligations means (a) the principal of each loan made under the Senior Credit Agreement, (b) all reimbursement and cash collateralization obligations in respect of letters of credit issued under the Senior Credit Agreement, (c) all monetary obligations of the Borrower or any Subsidiary under each Senior Hedging Agreement (as defined in the Senior Credit Agreement) entered into (x) prior to September 30, 2005 with any counterparty that was a Senior Lender (or an Affiliate thereof) on September 30, 2005 or (y) on or after September 30, 2005 with any counterparty that was a Senior Lender (or an Affiliate thereof) at the time such Senior Hedging Agreement was entered into, (d) all interest on the loans, letter of credit reimbursement, fees and other obligations under the Senior Credit Agreement or such Senior Hedging Agreements (including, without limitation, any interest which accrues after the commencement of any case, proceeding or other action relating to the bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization of the Borrower or any Subsidiary Guarantor, whether or not allowed or allowable as a claim in such proceeding), (e) all other amounts payable by the Borrower or any Subsidiary under the Senior Loan Documents and (f) all increases, renewals, extensions and refinancings of the foregoing.
Senior Loan Obligations means all Obligations of the obligors under the Credit Agreement, including (1) (a) obligations of the Issuer and the Guarantors from time to time arising under or in respect of the due and punctual payment of (i) the principal of and interest (including interest accruing during the pendency of any bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership or other similar proceeding, regardless of whether allowed or allowable in such proceeding) on the loans made under the Credit Agreement, when and as due, whether at maturity, by acceleration, upon one or more dates set for prepayment or otherwise, (ii) each payment required to be made by the Issuer and the Guarantors under the Credit Agreement in respect of any letter of credit issued under the Credit Agreement, when and as due, including payments in respect of reimbursement obligations, interest thereon and obligations to provide cash collateral and (iii) all other monetary obligations, including fees, costs, expenses and indemnities, whether primary, secondary, direct, contingent, fixed or otherwise (including monetary obligations incurred during the pendency of any bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership or other similar proceeding, regardless of whether allowed or allowable in such proceeding), of the Issuer and the Guarantors under the Credit Agreement and the related loan documents, and (b) the due and punctual performance of all covenants, agreements, obligations and liabilities of the Issuer and the Guarantors or pursuant to the Credit Agreement and the related loan documents, (2) the due and punctual payment and performance of all obligations of the Issuer and the Guarantors under each Hedging Agreement (as defined in the Credit Agreement) entered into with any counterparty that is a Senior Loan Party and (3) the due and punctual payment and performance of all obligations of Issuer and the Guarantors (including overdrafts and related liabilities) under each Treasury Services Agreement (as defined in the Credit Agreement) entered into with any counterparty that is a Senior Loan Party.
Senior Loan Obligations means all obligations of every nature of Company now or hereafter existing for Indebtedness for borrowed money and Capital Leases permitted to be incurred hereunder, including any promissory note or other document or instrument delivered pursuant thereto, and all amendments, extensions or renewals thereof, in each case whether for principal, interest (including, without limitation, interest that, but for the filing of a petition in bankruptcy with respect to Company, would accrue on such obligations), fees, expenses or otherwise, whether now existing or hereafter arising, voluntary or involuntary, whether or not jointly owed with others, direct or indirect, absolute or contingent, liquidated or unliquidated, and whether or not from time to time decreased or extinguished and later increased, created or incurred and all or any portion of such obligations that are paid, to the extent all or any part of such payment is avoided or recovered directly or indirectly from any Senior Lender as a preference, fraudulent transfer or otherwise.